The Black Abyss

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"I want you to leave, but not because you could somehow hinder me. For you", Klaus sighed, "and for the city. Our kingdom isn't just walled off from the Dragon Mountains for no reason. There are roads through the Black Abyss, but only where it's necessary. In Damar, one cannot just build a road. The mayor is young; he wants to be remembered. He's a good mayor, but far too young, unaware of how things stand. That's our fault too; we didn't tell him in time. The Black Abyss is the place where all the evil of our kingdom converges. One must be very careful when building bridges and roads over it, and only with the permission of the Dragon Mountains' masters. There lies the land of dragons. We circumvent these mountains, not just because they are mountains, difficult to survive, easy to fall, expensive to build upon, no. It's forbidden land, not accessible to everyone. Where the dragons grant permission, there we have roads, held up by their nobility and kindness. And the evil of the Black Abyss, that's our evil, which prevents us from merging with the land of dragons. We must eradicate it, then the abyss will disappear. But it cannot be crossed by a rope, especially if you're angry with me.

Love with hazel eyes, AlbireoMKG

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