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blair stepped onto the broken-down porch of her small home, she dreaded seeing her dad, knowing he'd ask her what her and the pogues got up to today. she shook her head and opened the door.

"hey, kiddo." her dad smiled. "you alright?" he asked.

"yeah, i'm good." blair smiled, giving her dad a quick hug. "um, so is it okay if i go to john b's tonight? kie's gonna be there." blair didn't actually know if kie was gonna be there, she probably wasn't.

"blair. you know there's a hurricane coming tonight, right?" noah asked. 

"i'm fully aware, yes." she replied. "but kie really wants me to go so she isn't stuck with john b and jj."

her father sighed deeply, running a hand across his unshaven jaw.

"please?" she smiled sweetly. 

"alright, alright. yes, you can go." he finally caved in. "but."

"oh, no." blair muttered to herself.

"the cameron's will need help cleaning up if there's any damage from the storm." he said. "so, if they do need help, you have to go."

blair sighed, she didn't know much about the family apart from that they were rich as hell, and kiara had told blair the story of how sarah cameron was friends with her and pretty much fucked her over. "okay, fine. i'm gonna go get my stuff, love you." 

"thanks kiddo, love you too, james will probably be there too so you'll have him if you get too nervous." he replied with a smile.


"no i will not go surf with you while there's a hurricane, john b." blair looked at the boy absolutely dumbfounded. "and i'd rather not have to find your bodies washed up on the beach either." she then looked at pope. "considering how smart you are, pope, you'd think you would have more common sense."

"you aren't really a good surfer anyways." john b joked.

blair tutted, throwing a pillow at his head. "asshole." she held in a laugh.


blair slept on the pull out sofa that night, jj ended up crashing next to her.

"yo, jj, blair, you been outside?" she heard john b asked.

"i don't wanna know." blair groaned, sitting up, her hair a slight mess. 

"there's no power or service, so someone has to go help out the cameron's." john b teased, ruffling her hair.

"if there's no service my dad can't reach me, so i don't have to." she smiled back at the boy.

blair's smile dropped when she heard police sirens outside the château. 

"he didn't." john b laughed. 

"son of a bitch." blair muttered, then hearing a knock on the privacy screen.

blair shot out from under the covers, if her dad saw she had even slept next to jj there would be hell.

"come on, kiddo, we made a deal." she heard noah say.

john b opened the door. "hi, mr marley."

"hey, kid. you doing alright?" noah asked, peaking his head inside seeing blair get ready to leave.

"yeah, doin' great, sir." john b replied kindly.

"come on, blair. can't keep the cameron's waiting now can we?" her father smiled, knowing blair was not happy with their deal.

"yeah, yeah. i'm almost ready." she huffed in response.

jj stirred in his sleep due to all the talking going on around him. 

"sorry, don't mind him." john b awkwardly smiled.


after noah had dropped blair off at the cameron's she silently went to work. blair kept to herself as usual, onlt giving people the occasional smile as they walked past.

blair was placing branches into a tarp to be moved away when someone came up to her. 

"hey, you're james' little sister, right?" the oddly attractive man asked.

blair slowly nodded, the man held him hand out. "i'm rafe." 

she shook his hand hesitantly. "blair."

"not much of a talker?" rafe asked.

"not really no." she quietly spoke, not being able to look into his eyes. "um, sorry i should... get back to work."

"yeah, of course, see you around, blair." rafe sent her a smile.

"probably not, but sure." she nodded at him.


some time had passed and mr cameron had told blair she could go home, he asked if she wanted someone to drive her back but she politely declined.

as she was walking back to the cut she heard a horn beep behind her, she spun around to see the twinkie driving up to her. 

john b rolled down the window. "get in, we've got shit to do."

"hello, to you too, john b." blair scoffed, opening the door and getting into the back of the van.

jj, pope and kiara looked at the girl.

"why are you all looking at me?" she asked nervously.

"how did it go at the cameron's?" kiara asked.

"oh, um. fine? it was boring." blair replied hesitantly.

"did sarah speak to you?" kiara questioned again.

"no, her brother did though." 

"rafe? rafe cameron spoke to you?" pope asked, seemingly shocked.

"okay, you guys are so weird." blair awkwardly laughed, wanting this conversation to end.

"what did he say to you?" jj asked with a sour look on his face.

"just introduced himself." blair shrugged. "can you guys stop like interrogating me now, please?"

"yeah, leave blair bear, alone." john b said from the drivers seat. 

"john b, shut the hell up, that nickname is so old." she rolled her eyes.

"blame your brother, not me." he replied back, trying not to laugh. 

kiara had filled blair in on what she had missed, they said they found a boat while on their way to fish but john b had seen that same boat when he surfed the surge, so john b decided to investigate the boat he had found his fathers compass and a key to a motel room and that was where they were headed, well they were going to get the 'hms pogue' first then they were going to the motel.

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