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"what the fuck." jj whispered to john b.

"what?" blair asked, her voice almost silent.

jj quietly shushed her, holding her arm gently and slowly moving his hand down to hers. blair's eyes widened, she tried to look at him but couldn't

jj looked at john b again. "do you believe-" he was interrupted by the sound of the gun falling out of his waistband and clattering down the roof.

blair gasped, the loud noise making her jump, jj squeezed her hand. she could physically slam her head into a wall because of this situation.

suddenly, the blinds to the room were opened, jj somehow pressed even further into blair, this was going to be an awkward conversation if they didn't get caught.

"all right. let's go, no one's here." blair heard deputy shoupe say.


blair, jj and john b made it off the roof and back onto the hms pogue. they were silent until they had set off until jj spoke.

"well that was fun." he chuckled. "could have warned us sooner."

"we would've, except pope was on the math team." kiara replied.

"you were on the math team?" john b asked.

"is it not obvious?" blair wondered, looking at john b as he shrugged.

"the cops took everything like it was a crime scene." pope told them, blair had been quiet, most because she was absolutely mortified from being on the roof with jj pressed into her, she could barely look at him. "did you guys find anything?"

"did we find anything? jj wondered to himself. "no, i don't think so." he showed the gun and a stack of cash. "oh, yeah, we did."

"what the hell?" pope shot.

"dude, chill. come on." jj tried to calm down pope.

"why would you take that from a crime scene?" 

"better than the cops having it." jj bickered with pope.

"i'm gonna lose my merit scholarship." pope panicked.

blair shook her head, you could be jj maybank's soulmate and that boy still wouldn't listen to a thing you say. 

"hey, hey, hey. sh, sh, sh." jj repeated, still trying to calm pope down. "at least you have us, right?"

"i'm living the nightmare." pope muttered.


the pogues had heard a body had been found by some old fisherman guy. 

blair watched as a woman ran up to the man on a stretcher. "scooter? oh, god!" she cried out.

"who's that?" john b asked the younger blonde girl beside him.

"it's scooter grubbs. he was out during the storm." she answered, pulling out her phone. "check out this pic i got." she showed john b and blair who paid no attention.

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