Acting Offer. Should I take it?

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"That was a test" He told me but then continued. "I was wanting to know if you would like to be on the show, a love interest for Carl?" He asked me. My eyes got wide. This would be the best experience that I would be able to get and it would start my career rolling if I wanted to stay as an actress even as much as I wanted to join the military. "I'll have to think about it." I told him. He nodded "well just let me know as soon as you decide" I shook my head. Kirkman turned around and walked out of the trailer, Chandler walking in after he left. "So what was he wanting?" he asked. "He was wanting to know if I wanted to join the cast, be the Carl love interest" His eyes filled with excitement. "But I don't know if I'm going to take the offer" His eyes then filled with sadness. "why not?" "I have a lot to think about, I was thinking about joining the military, but either way I'm definitely going to think this over." I went and sat on the couch and laid down. Chandler turned around and left probably to go to his trailer. I slowly drifted off to sleep thinking of what to do.

Shortly after I fell asleep I was woken up by someone shutting the trailer door. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, seeing my dad. "are we leaving?" "Yes" I got up off the couch and walked out of the trailer by now it was starting to get dark. I slowly made my way to the car. Chandler had been picked up earlier by his parents. As soon as I made it to the car and got in I was passed out.

I woke up to be in my bed. I didn't remember getting up after passing out in the car so my dad must have brought me in. I was dressed in a t-shirt and basketball shorts. I rolled over looking at what time it was, 7:30 it read. I decided that I should get up and get ready for my weekend as Chandler and the cast and I decided to all go see a movie, Jurassic World.

I made my way to my closet and grabbed a black tank top with PINK printed out on it. I grabbed some jean shorts and my black converse and made my way to my bathroom. Starting the shower I started to undress. My long brown hair fell past my shoulders. I turned on some Five Finger Death Punch and jumped in the shower relaxing to the warmth trickling down my back.

I washed my face then my body. They water was so warm that I didn't want to get out, but I knew I needed to if I wanted to go see the movie. I got out and dried off wrapping my hair in my towel getting dressed then walking down the stairs. While taking my hair out of the towel I reached the bottom of the stairs, no one was there so I figured that no one had arrived at the house yet and that dad and Kendall must be upstairs still getting ready of sleeping. I ran back upstairs after putting my hair in a messy bun, I walked into my dads room first, seeing that he wasn't in bed and the shower in his bathroom was running. Well I guess that answers the question for one boy now wheres the other I thought to myself.

I walked out of my dads room and turned left down the hall walking over the Kendall's door walking in, he was still in bed sleeping soundly. Walking over to his bedside dodging toys laying on his floor I walked over to his bed. He was covered up with his favorite blanket. I leaned down and kissed his forehead. He moaned then slowly opened his eyes. "mmhm, daddy?" He asked half asleep. "no its Alexa, its time to get up buddy." I told him sitting him up. "But I don't want to get up!" He cried leaning into me. "You want to see the movie don't you?" I asked him knowing that he did, he shook his head. "How about I make you a deal? I'll go run you a bath and get your clothes out and you can sleep till I come back and get you?" He shook his head and I laid him back down. I went and got him a t-shirt and some plaid shorts. Along with some blue converse that he has. I swear sometimes this kid has more swag than I do.

I made my way to his bathroom trying not to step on any of his toys especially his legos because those hurt like a bitch. I made it to the bathroom without stepping on anything which made me happy. I turned the nob on the bath tub and put the plug in, when the water was the right temperature of course. When the tub was filled I went and got Kendall. I softly shook him awake. "Time to go take a bath" He slowly got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. He pulled off his shirt and pants and handed them to me so I could fold them then shooed me out of the bathroom. I made my way out of Kendalls room, dad was walking out of his room right before I walked by so I ran into him. "Sorry I was just going to wake you." He told me. "Well no need, Father, I got Kendall up and he's taking a bath." He nodded then followed down the stairs behind me.

Shortly after Kendall came walking down the stairs. By now Chandler, Andy, and Norm were here, we were just waiting for everyone else. We decided that we would meet everyone else at the theater. I was sitting in the living room on the couch when it was time to go. Getting up Chandler and I grabbed each others hand. Walking out of the door Kendall was behind us and the rest of the boys weren't far behind, dad was locking the door. Chandler and I went to the back of the car while Norm and Kendall took the middle and dad and Andy took the front.

When we arrived we saw the rest of the cast waiting for us in the main lobby. We walked up to them and hugged them all. The movie would be starting soon and Steven had gotten all the tickets that way we didn't need to wait for them. If we needed a drink we got one along with popcorn. Chandler and I shared a popcorn but got separate drinks. We were all the first ones to get into the theater. We all went straight for the top row of seats. Chandler, Kendall and I were in the middle but Kendall was in the main middle. All the adults protected us from fans that were going crazy, that is if they were to notice we were there.

The theater started to fill with people. The commercials started and there was on for The Last Ship, also a show that I love. I mentally remembered when it came back on. The movie soon started and everyone got quite. Damn was Chris Pratt hot!

"That movie was awesome!" I told Chandler. "I loved the raptors" "Me too!" We were walking out of the theater. We all thought that ice cream sounded good so we are going to go get some from the DQ and then go back home and watch rewinds of some random show. Me on the other hand was going to think very deeply on the offer Kirkman gave me.

When we arrived back at the house with the ice cream in hand I went up to my room. Chandler followed me up but when he noticed that I was concentrating and not paying attention to what he was saying he left and went back down stairs.

The main question was, should I take it? Following my original dream or going after the military. Both will lead to good careers and meeting new people and all, but what should I choose? I sat on my bed for about 30 minutes before I came up with a decision. I will go with........

Keep reading to find out what she chooses! Finally got and update, I'm going to try and establish and update day I haven't decided what day though but when I do I'll let you all know.

Daughter Of David. (Chandler Riggs Love Story)(On Hold) Where stories live. Discover now