~It's just the Beginning~

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Hello Reader😏

A/N: If you're interested follow my Tiktok: elizabethrose666 I make things regarding this fanfic if you're interested in seeing them. Which I recommend because I love them.

A/N: This chapter is shorter, but like I said they will get longer

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A/N: This chapter is shorter, but like I said they will get longer. I pinky swear, Now enjoy my Salvatore-loving lovelies.


September 6, 2009

"God Stefan is gonna be so mad." Amber states from the bathroom as she overhears the news story about two people who were found mauled to death by an 'animal.' aka Amber and Damon.

"That's kind of the whole point, piss him off and make his life a living hell." Damon says leaning against the doorway watching as she puts the finishing touches on her makeup. They've been staying in a nice mansion for the past few months but that's about to change soon they'll be staying in the Salvatore boarding house.

Amber snorts, "What's up with the whole making my brother's life a living hell thing anyway? You guys used to be so close." She asks the question she's been wondering for months now as she sweeps some blush on her cheeks.

Damon hums, "We're brothers it's what we do."

"Sure, that's totally the reason. You forget I know when you're lying." She states turning to face him with a hand on her hip.

He scoffs and rolls his eyes. "I'm not lying." He insists with a grin, she knows that isn't the truth but she won't push no matter how curious she is. It's not really her business anyway.

"Sure I must've forgotten your tells after 145 years." She says playfully as she pushes past him to go find a pair of shoes to wear. Damon snorts his eyes following her.

"You remember the plan?"

"Yes Damon, I remember the plan. I'll 'run into' Stefan. We'll hit it off enough so he invites me to stay at the boarding house. That way Zach, your nephew whom you guys call uncle will invite me in the home." Amber reiterates the plan as she slips on a pair of heels and he smiles almost triumphantly and walks closer and places his hands on her shoulders.


Amber looks up at him, his intense blue eyes making her breath catch in her throat for a second before she speaks. "Do you actually think Stefan will ask me to stay with him at the boarding house when he sees me?" She asks a little skeptical and Damon nods as he takes his hands off her shoulders.

"You're an old friend and if I know anything about my baby brother that will mean something to him."

"Okay, but if this doesn't work you're feeding on animals for a month!" She warns playfully which only makes him chuckle as he watches her walk out the door.

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