🔥One Shot🔥

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Hello, reader 😏

A/N: So the one-shot is here, and I'm working on the coming chapters. Bare with me loves.

Enjoy, this is when Damon and Amber hooked up for the first time.

                                                                 Summers Eve

                                                                                  Summers Eve

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June 18th, 2009

The sunsets over Atlanta, Georgia as the day comes to an end, the day has been a busy one. It's Damon's birthday, and Amber insisted they celebrate, she said it was only fair because in just four days it's going to be her birthday and he insisted they celebrate then. So, as a means to not be seen, they traveled to Georgia and spent the day there, they sight saw, they ate the delicious food...and people. And they did whatever else Damon wanted to do, after all, it is his birthday.

Now they drink and dance in their hotel room alongside some girl they picked up in a bar. Amber stands behind the girl, her hands on her hips as she nips at her neck eliciting a soft moan from her. "You sound pretty," she coos softly in the girl's ear, her eyes flicking over to Damon who is watching with a smirk, shirt unbuttoned. He looks so carefree when usually he looks a bit tense. "You know, you can join." Amber tells him, she doesn't miss how his eyes seem to light up for a second as he makes his way over.

Damon places his hands on the girl's hips and sways with her, "What's your name again, sweetheart?" Amber asks and the girl looks up and mutters.


"Beautiful." She murmurs in her ear, "Tell me Jasmine, do you still want to play?" She questions lowly. That's how all of this started, Jasmine and the three of them wanting to hook up, and that was before the drinking even began. Damon and Amber had just sat down waiting for a bartender when Jasmine came over to them. All flirty, apparently she likes good-looking couples even if they're not technically together.

They got into talking and one thing led to another, the next thing they knew they planned on a threesome after an hour of conversation. That's when they decided to go to the hotel room and indulge in drinking there. Which is where they've been for the past hour, slightly drunk and dancing.

"I do," she responds and Amber's eyes flicker over to Damon's, this would be the first time they hooked up. "But under one condition." She states making Amber and Damon share a look.

"And what would that be?" Damon asks, playing with the fabric of Jasmine's dress.

"One of you turns me into a vampire when we're done."

They share another look, "A vampire?" Amber chuckles her thumbs grazing over Jasmine's clothed nipples.

"I've been tracking vampires for a while. I saw your rings and knew you both were what I was looking for."

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