How you get the girl (Taylor's Version)

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Travis and I have been messaging all week. What started with a bracelet has turned into something bigger. When talking with Travis I feel understood, he plays football and understands my schedule and the paps. He knows what fame comes with, unlike Joe who hid from it he basks in it. Travis has lived in the spotlight from football. He has a type of confidence that cameras and what people say about him doesn't bother him. He does not care what people say about him which is such a relief. Today I am meeting with him in Kansas City for dinner at his house. We decided not to go anywhere in public for our first meet up. 

I finish applying my red lip stick and throw it into my purse. I am wearing jeans and a sweater. Travis said casual so I don't think I'm going to be overdressed. My head of security comes in and lets me know the car is ready. 

We pull into a cute neighborhoods, and into a driveway. I'm very nervous. What if this goes wrong? What is he is using me? Many intrusive thoughts run through me head, but I shake them off and open my door. I step out into the warm August night heat. I haven't told many people that I'm here, since it is our first time meeting each other in person. 


I see a black SUV pull into my driveway. She's here, Taylors Here. Does everything look alright? Do I look okay? I begin to panic as she steps out of the car. I quickly open the door and walk outside to great her. Although I have never met her in person, we have talked a lot over the phone and Instagram. It feels weird, chatting with someone for a week and meeting them for the first time, like a stranger you know so much about. 

I meet Taylor halfway. 

"Hey welcome to Kansas City!" I say with a smile 

"Hey thanks for having me!" she says. She looks stunning so simple yet so beautiful. 

"Lets go inside I say," leading Taylor inside. 

We get inside and head towards the kitchen. 

"So how have you been? I know we have been chatting for a while but its great to meet you in person. Did you have a safe flight?" I ask 

"I've been great! Yeah I was so nervous but seeing you know I'm so happy to be here. The flight was good. How have you been? Your house is beautiful by the way! I love all of the pictures" She says. 

we talk for a while, it feels like we are old friends who are picking up where we have left off. How did I get so lucky? 


As we are sitting there Travis pulls something out of his pocket and hands it to me. In my hands is a bracelet with 10 number beads with yellow and red ones around it. 

"Is this the OG bracelet you tried to give me?" I ask with a smile

"Yes. Yes it is the one that landed me here tonight, with you in my kitchen talking like we are old friends." He says with one of the most heart warming smiles. 

"Thank you so much Trav, I will never take it off" I says sliding the bracelet onto my wrist. I look at my wrist and type the number into my phone. I create a contact for him and text him. "I love it!" He smiles up at me.

Travis and I are having a great time. He seems like a genuine person he if hilarious too, making jokes about everything. He is so easy to talk to.

Travis cooks a delicious dinner and we eat and continue to talk. I think this is the best first date I have ever been on. Trav is so easy to talk to about everything, he makes me feel understood and seems like he really cares about me. 

As we are talking I notice its getting late. We finish up or night and I sadly have to leave. I really don't want to though. 

"Thank you so much for having me Trav. I have had an amazing night. If your up for it I would love to see you again." I say 

"For sure! I have had a great night. We should meet up again really soon." He says 

We agree on the fact that we will call each other more to find another time to meet up. 

AN: This is my second story. Sorry for how long it is! please let me know if you have any ideas or want me to keep going with the timeline of events. Thank you so much for reading my story! 

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