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I wake up, to an empty feeling bed. I know Travis isnt here but I wish he was. He has to stay in a hotel the night before a game, to make sure he is well rested. I roll over to check my phone 9:02. I get up and slide my feet into the slippers next to my bed. Travis said he would come home around 10:30 after his meeting this morning. I said I would make cinnamon rolls, his favorite. 

All the ingredients are scattered along the kitchen island. Flour is covering the counter tops, and my pjs. I am making the icing while the rolls are in the oven. 

once the timer goes off I take them out, they are a perfect golden brown. Half way through I decided to make pancakes as well. I already made the batter. I pour it onto the pan on the stove. It starts to sizzle and I see the light tan sides, becoming darker. I flip them over and her more sizzles and bubbles noises. 

Once the pancakes are done I turn of the stove, and put them all on a plate. I begin cleaning the kitchen, wiping the counters and putting things away. I load the dish washer and leave a spot for a few plates. I hear the garage door closing and the door opening. "Travis!" I say as her turns the corner into the kitchen. "Hey Tay, how was your night? Wow it smells so good- cinnamon rolls and pancakes!" He says his eyes lighting up. "It was good, I made some breakfast! Thought you might be hungry before your big game!" 

we eat breakfast together until Travis has to leave for his game. Once he leaves I go upstairs to get ready. I take a shower, pick out my outfit, and do my makeup. 

🏈🎤🏈🎤🏈🎤🏈🎤🏈🎤 (time skip to after the game) 🏈🎤🏈🎤🏈🎤🏈🎤🏈🎤

The Chiefs lost the game. I know Travis is going to be upset. He had a couple of drops, and I feel horrible. I dont want him to think I am a distraction. 

I am waiting up in the suite for him. At this point it is mostly the wives in here because the family and friends left. 

After about 15 minutes of chit chat some of the players begin trickling in. Finally Travis comes in.  He looks around, and when he sees me he smiles. "I'm sorry you lost." I say giving him a kiss. "It is alright, we just need to get to work next week so we don't make the same mistakes again." He says as we begin walking down the hallway. Travis is upset, and he has every right to be. I hate having a bad day, or a bad performance. I understand what it can do to you. I'm just going to try to comfort him. 

"Do you want to pick what we get for dinner?" I ask looking up at him. He smiles. "I was thinking we could get takeout and watch a movie.

"mmhh that sounds good. Do you want to get Chinese food?" 

"Definitely" I say 

Once we get home, we both change into lounge clothes. We are sitting on the couch, the coffee table has an assortment of foods. We decided on watching "The Hunger Games," since I had never seen it. As the movie starts, I get closer to Travis. I tuck my ankles under me and curl into his side resting my head on his chest. Sitting here next to Travis, his large frame making me look tiny. Watching a movie with someone who makes me feel so loved is more then I could ever ask for. 

An: I am sorry for the slow update. I have been very bus. Thank you for 4.2K reads and for saving me story. I love you all so much! <3

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