You belong with me / love story (Taylors Version)

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I walk into Allegiant stadium, 11 months after I preformed there this summer on my tour.  It's crazy to think about the changes in my life from then to now. Then I was sad, like really sad. It was after a 6 year relationship. Now I am happier than I have ever been. 

I just finished my show in Tokyo and hopped a flight to Las Vegas. I slept on the plane and had a lot of coffee so im not too tired. 

I get through security and make it up into the box Travis got for me, and his family. He told me to invite my friends, so I invited Lana, Ice, Keligh, and Blake. Jason, Kylie, Donna, Ed, Ross, and my mom and dad should be there as well. 

The box is bursting with anticipation for the game. I quickly spot Ice and I give her a big hug. She is so sweet and funny too.  Jason comes over and I give him a big hug. In the short time I have known him he has treated me like family. Family, a feeling I haven't felt in a while. Obviously I  love my parents and brother as family. But feeling the love from someone elses family means something. The way they have accepted me makes me feel somewhat normal.

After talking to everyone we settle in our seats right before the coin toss. I hear Travis's name be announced with the captains and see him walk out to the center of the field. The Chiefs win the coin toss and defer the ball so they can receive in the seconded half. 


The Chiefs won! I'm so happy for Trav. He has worked so hard everyday and it paid off. I find Donna and we head down to the field. The yellow and read confetti falls to the ground. I look around the sea of players. We are some of the last people to arrive to the field. My security team is flaunting me from every angel to make sure that I am safe. Cameras flash left and right and for the first time in a while I don't care. We make it to the center of the field where most of the players are. I see Tommy Townstead and give him a hug, although all of the players are nice he is one of my favorites. 

Finally after what seems to be forever I see Travis. He is talking with Pat and I can't help but smile. When he sees us he stops his convo with Pat and comes over. He looks so happy and I can't help but burst with pride. 

He engulfs his mother. Then He comes towards me. 

"Come here girl." He says bringing me into a hug. He kissed my face three times. Three. If Travis and I do something three times I usually is meant to show I love you. Three words, three action. I pull back so I can kiss him. I warp my arms around his neck and he wraps his around my waist I have missed him so much and I am so happy I can be back in his arms. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me into a kiss again. He is leaning down and I am on my tippe toes so I can reach his lips. His beard rubbing against my chin. We sway a little but, something we always do. I pat his back so many times. 

"that was insane you are so magical," I say. 

"Thank you sweetie. was it eletric?" 

"It was amazing, the best thing I have ever seen." I say. I pull back from our hug so I can see his face. "I can't believe you did that!" before I know it we are kissing again. 

"I love you so much, I am so happy you came to see me play. Thank you for coming, thank you for supporting me, thank you for making it half way across the world." he says. I hug him so tight. My boyfriend won the super bowl. My 6'5'', handsome, football player boyfriend won the biggest game of the year. 

"Always, I love you so much it's not even funny." I say. Travis needs to go up to receive the trophy. 

He does the classic Viva Las Vegas. I didn't expect anything less. After his speech I meat him again. He wraps his arm around my lower back and I wrap my arm around his back. We walk like this, me tucked against his side.


We arrive at the first afterparty. The place is crowded, my poor security. People are all around, taking photos, but I could not care less. I was with Travis so I was happy. Our outfits match, both of us wearing black or silver. We get inside and order drinks. 

"What can I get you baby?" he asks as we walk towards the bar. 

"can I have a vodka soda please?" I ask 

"Of course!" he says. We get our drinks and we make are way around the party. We talk to others, dance, and kiss a lot. Jason is with us too making jokes and dancing. Post Malone is preforming and he is incredible. Travis and I are dancing to Congratulations. Travis makes me feel so safe even at such a public place like a Vegas night club. His friends also make me feel very safe. It does help that most of them are big football players. Even Ross makes me feel safe. They all seem to always be on the lookout. Travis goes to the bathroom and I am sitting talking with Ross. 

"that was so much fun! I can't believe that happened and they won!" I say taking a sip of my seconded drink. 

"Yeah the box was lit, everyone was great. The game was electric and Trav and them pulled out a huge win." He says and I laugh. 

Travis comes back and I hand him his drink that I was holding. 


Taylor, Jason, and I are heading to the seconded after party. We are walking through the outside areas of the different hotels. Taylor and I are hand in hand and Jason is somewhere behind us. Tay and I are talking, she is happy, she is jet lagged and a tipsy. I notice her shiver a bit and I take off my jacket and help her put it on. It matches her outfit perfectly. 

"Thank you." she says just loud enough to hear. She squeezes my hand three times as we regain holding hands. She leans into me, almost snuggling into me. She rests her head on my shoulder as we walk. 

We arrive and get into the club. Taylor and I get drinks and meet up with Pat and Brittney. Tay and Brit are both a little drunk, talking and laughing loudly. To them everything is very funny. Taylor is telling Brit about something and they are both laughing. Pat and I walk over to see whats up. 

"And then he said no its green." Taylor says and they both erupt with laughter. 

"Hey do you ladies want to get something to eat?" I ask. "Maybe chicken tenders." they both look at each other and nod. 

"Pat you stay here with them and make sure nothing happens and I'll go get food." I say and he nods. 

I go and get the food and come back. Pat is laughing.

"They keep rambling on then laughing. I can't even understand what they are saying." He says and I laugh. 

"Tay gets like that when she has had a lot to drink" I was pretty drunk but I am only slightly now. "I got them water too"



I yawn, I look at the time 5:18 am. Travis looks at my phone too. 

"looks like its time to get to bed, you must be exhausted." 

"Probably best." I say and we get up. 

We say goodbye and leave. We make it to the hotel and I wash my face and brush my teeth. I snuggle into one of Travis's shirts that I am swimming in, just like his jacket. We get into bed and I snuggle into him. I lay my head on his chest and fall asleep thinking about the great day I have had. 

an: thank you for reading!

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