The Best Day Part 1

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Hey Everyone I hope you enjoy this story. I think I am going to post shorter more often stories.


Today my family is coming to watch one of Tay's concerts. We are in New Orleans. Jason, Kylie, Ellie, Wy, Bennie, and Scott. 

About 30 minutes before the openers go on, I get a text that Jason and Kylie and the girls are here.  I quickly put my phone away to go meet them. 

"Uncle Trav!" the two little toddlers yell happily. I quickly feel two little bodies latch onto my legs. 

"Hey girlies how are you?" I say engulfing them into hugs. They are wearing sparkly dresses and have their hair in pig tails. 

"We are going to see auntie Tay!" Wyatt says and Elliot smiles brightly. Ellie is more shy than wyatt but she smiles a lot. 

"Yes we are seeing auntie Tay! Do you want to see her before she sings?" 

"Yes! Yes! Auntie Tay!" 

"Okay we can go see her." I stand up and see Jason and Kylie looking at me. I give them both hugs. 

"They have been bouncing off the walls all day. They are so exited." Kylie says rocking Bennie. Bennie is wearing a pink onesie to match her big sisters. 

"I haven't seen them this exited in a while." Jason says with a chuckle. 

"I'm glad. Tay said we could come see her before the concert if you guys want." 

"Sure I bet the girls would love that." Kylie says. 

We make our way to the back of the stage towards the dressing room. 

"this is insane, I have never seen a stage so big." Kylie says admiring the stage and the crowd. 

"And look at all the fans. This is way more people than at a football game . And they all have bracelets.'' Jason says

"Yeah it is insane. We could get bracelets after we seen Tay." I say and everyone smiles. 

We walk by the security team and say hello and to the door of the dressing room. I knock and here a voice saying come in. The two little girls are thrilled. 

I open the door and see Taylor. She is wearing her Lover body suit and talking with one of the stage directors. 

"Well hello everyone!" She says with a big smile. She says hello to Jason and Kylie and gives them a hug. 

"Auntie Tay!" the girls say running towards her. They give her a big hug and she kisses the tops of their heads

"Hey girlies! You two look beautiful I love your dresses and your hair! Your bows!" 

"We are going to watch you sing!" Wyatt says with a big smile. Ellie dances shyly. 

"Yes I am going to sing!" She says to the girls. And they talk with her for a while. I am amazed at how good she is with kids and can't stop think about having kids with her someday. She is so kind and patient to them. 

Tay talks with Jason and Kylie for a bit too. They have a lot of questions. 

"Girlies, Auntie Taylor needs to go on stage so do you want to go get a snack before the show?" Jason says. 

"Snack!" Ellie says. Jason picks up the two girls. He gives Taylor one more hug and him and Kylie leave. 

"Love you Tay! Good luck!" Jason says leaving the room. 

"You are going to kill it baby" I say. And give her a kiss. 

"thank you" Taylor mumbles into my chest. 

"for what sweetie?" I ask pulling away so I could see her beautiful face. 

"for having an amazing family who makes me feel like family." 

part 2 is coming! I wanted to break it into two parts.

Sorry this is so bad I had surgery yesterday. 

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