Chapter 1

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I glowered at the red light, digging my nails into the steering wheel. It has been two minutes already, just change damn it! I glanced out my window at the gaping humans, confused as to why over 200 cars were following each other. It shouldn't be new to them, doesn't it happen at funerals? Or other events? I sighed, I'm one hell of a snippy bitch, but I was forced to get up at 5 AM. If you think werewolves are monsters, let me tell you about a werewolf waking up at 5 AM when she's not a morning person. At. All.

I groaned, a growl erupting from my throat as the light took another minute. Finally, after four minutes of boring hell, it changed. I followed my parents as they drove down the road before making a right turn. We've been driving for an hour now and I was already agitated, I hate long car rides.

We're moving the whole pack to a new place somewhere in Nebraska to help out another pack. The Alpha called my father, telling him the pack beside him was causing trouble. He had driven out the other pack and was now attacking this Alpha's patrols. I hated Alphas who do that, from what I've heard the guy has enough territory for his whole pack. I know he has the largest pack, but that doesn't mean he needs to force other packs to leave their home. He didn't even take over the one pack's territory, I don't know why, but it's whatever. My father said this was a great opprotunity for my brother, it'll teach him how to think like an Alpha during times like these.

I didn't really mind much, New Jersey isn't the greatest of places for werewolves. My best friend, Christine, wanted to move to Florida. However, this pack was located in Nebraska. After four hours passed we stopped at a rest station, to my relief. I parked my car and quickly got out, my stomach growling from the lack of food. I strode over to my parents' car, taking twenty dollars out of my wallet.

"Do you guys want anything?" I asked.

My father smiled, "We have money, honey, we're fine. But thank you."

I nodded as he climbed out of his SUV. I allowed them to walk in alone, both of my parents holding hands. I smiled, I can't wait to have my own mate. I'm just hoping he's not controlling, Alphas like me don't do well with controlling mates. I tapped my foot as I waited for Christine to get her lazy ass out of her car. She's so lucky I love her like a sister.

"About time." I grumbled when she finally got out.

She smirked, "The queen takes her time."

I rolled my eyes as we walked into the rest stop, she's such a pain in the ass.

"Oh my gosh, chocolate bars!" she shrieked, grabbing a Hershey bar.

I laughed, "Are you sure you should be having sugar? Remember the last time?"

"Eh, those humans wanted to race, so they got a race."

"Yeah, shifting into a gigantic grey wolf and chasing after their car is a race." I scoffed.

She shrugged, "Shouldn't have challenged me. You know how my wolf and I get when we're being challenged."


After everyone went to the bathroom and had something to eat and drink, we climbed into our cars and continued the drive. My wolf was scratching to run, but I refused. I wanted to run too, but we couldn't when we're driving.

~15 min later~

I honestly want to bang my head against the steering wheel, why do people drive so damn slow? Jeeze, if you want to drive like a grandma who can barely see over the steering wheel, then go into the right lane! In case you haven't noticed, I'm not a patient person and I'm still not fully awake. Maybe I'm going into heat or something. I do tend to attack anything when that happens.

Attacked my brother once because I claimed a lamp as mine for some reason, he learned his lesson about touching a claimed lamp. I have no idea what goes through my head when I'm in heat. My wolf is in control most of the time, which is how I found out about her strange obsession with lamps.

"They're bright and colorful." she growled.

I rolled my eyes, "The lamp was white and is that colorful?"

"White and grey are colors, aren't they?"


"Then it's colorful."

I shook my head, pain in my ass.

"You mean, pain in your head since that's the only way I can communicate."

"Shut up."

After another two hours passed I almost screamed with joy, our packhouse showing as we drove up the road. I could smell the scent of fresh rain, making me want to run even more. We quickly parked, anxious to get out of our cars. My father lead us into the packhouse, telling the pack they would live in the neighborhood behind the packhouse.

While he told each member where they will live my brother and I helped our mother with the bags. She kept going on and on about how beautiful the house is. It is, honestly. Way bigger than our old one. I raced my bother up the stairs, his mate saying how we're going to break our necks on the marble stairs. I laughed, yelling down that she'll have to share the small room with my brother.

That made her run up the stairs; we laughed as she tackled me, falling onto the bed as we entered the master bedroom. Well, one of them anyways. We wrestled until my brother did a one person dog pile on us.

"Ryan, get off!" his mate, Karly, laughed.

"Nope, gotta kiss me first." he smirked.

"Ew! Gross! I'm on the bottom here!" I whined.

Karly chuckled and kissed him on the lips, I swear if they go into a full make-out session...I'm throwing their asses out the window. They're werewolves, they'll live. The bushes won't though....

"GET OFF!" I yelled.

They burst out laughing, tumbling off me. I gasped for air, being crushed under them wasn't the greatest thing. When we finally stopped tackling each other I grabbed my bags and threw them onto the floor. I can unpack tomorrow.

I collapsed on my bed, sighing in relief as my body sunk into the mattress.

Author's note: Why do my first chapters always suck? lol

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