Chapter 19

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I watched as a warrior charged towards Clayton, power showing through his muscles as he sprinted over the ground. However, Clayton easily dodged him, causing the young wolf to run into a tree. I sighed, we've been struggling with this one. Everyone else were pretty damn good, but this warrior just can't get it right. He got up and shook out his fur, fear evident in his eyes. That's the problem, he's afraid of attacking. He's hesitating just a moment and that causes him to mess up.

"He's hesitating, he needs to relax." I mind-linked Clayton.

He nodded and told him to shift, the young adult stood there. Embarrassment written all over his face as he looked down at his feet.

"Bane, you can't keep hesitating. What do you think will happen if you did that in an actual war? Like the one we're facing the day after tomorrow." Clayton asked, frowning.

Bane sighed, "I'm sorry, I...I just keep seeing that rogue attack me and my younger brother. He killed him." he whispered.

My heart clenched as I imagined the two young boys being traumatized as a rogue attacked them. I quickly hushed Clayton before he could continue. I got up and walked over, a warm smile on my face.

"I understand that was a horrifying event for you, Bane. However, you need to push that memory away. Use it to your advantage, get angry from it. Your brother would want you to be a strong warrior, not someone who's allowing a scary memory hold them back. You're a warrior, you need to start thinking like one. I know you can do it, I see the potential in you. You're a skilled fighter, Bane, you just need to break down that one wall and I'm sure you'll kick some ass." I said, smiling.

He grinned, "Thank you, Luna."

"No problem, now, Clayton go and sit down." I ordered.

They both looked at me, shock written all over their faces. I rolled my eyes, "I want to train him, to see if my little pep talk worked."

"Fine, but one wrong move and-

"I can handle him, Clayton, now go. Don't make me get Christine." I threatened, hiding the smirk on my face.

He blanched and quickly sat on the sidelines, watching us. I nodded towards Bane, telling him to shift. He swallowed and shifted into his dark tan wolf, his blue eyes watching my every move. I shifted into my white and black one, setting my eyes on him. There's one thing Clayton isn't doing with him and that's fighting back.

If he's going to learn to be a real warrior, he's going to need to know how to fight his own battles. We circled each other, looking for each others' weakness. I knew mine, I just want to see if he notices it. His eyes didn't move at all, giving me no indication that he spotted my one weakness. I smiled a little, he's smart.

I was stunned when out of nowhere he lunged at me, quickly grabbing onto my back left leg. He gently bit it and pulled me down, causing me to slam my chin into the ground. He let go and pinned me down, putting all his weight and strength onto me. I slowly lifted my head and acted as if I were going to surrender, but went to bite his shoulder. Yet, he caught on and maneuvered around me while keeping me pinned. Damn, this boy is strong. He then nipped my ear, telling me to surrender. I smirked, he's going to learn how stubborn I am.

I swiftly twisted underneath him and bit his paw, earning a yelp as he lifted it. I used that and shoved him off me, making him lose his balance. He tumbled onto the ground but rolled away when I snapped at him. He got back up and nodded.

We fought for about fifteen minutes, I won at the end which isn't a shocker. He's only been training since he was fourteen, I've been training since I was five. I smiled, grabbing a water bottle from the fridge.

"Well, that was impressive." Clayton commented, grabbing a bottle for himself.

I grinned, "I have interesting ways of training warriors."

"Well, those ways are working so far. We're going to have one strong pack." he replied, taking a sip of his water.

"How's Christine doing with the paperwork and other duties?"

"She's holding up pretty well, I'm glad. I want her to rest though, I'm worried she's going to over work herself."

I chuckled, "Trust me, she'll be fine."

After a while he went to bed and I left to go see Veloces. I shifted and ran through the forest, I stopped as I heard two wolves behind me. I swung around to see the twins wagging their tail.

"We wanted to make sure you go there safe." Owen quickly stated, sitting down.

"Yeah, orders from Clayton and your father." his twin, Lycan, explained.

I nodded, "It's fine."

They ran with me until we reached my father's packhouse, they then turned and ran back home. I shifted before walking in, I scrunched up my nose as I smelled myself. Probably should have taken a shower. Oh well. I walked through the many halls until I reached the infirmary and swung the doors open. I smiled and nodded at a few nurses and doctors, searching for my mate's room. I walked in and took my seat beside his bed, holding his hand in mine again.

"We only have one day left...until Jeremy attacks. Including Crudelis." I whispered. "Goddess, I'm so afraid, Veloces. What if we can't do it? What if the pack is killed because of me?"

A few tears rolled down my face, but I ignored them. I wish he would just open his eyes, I really need him at times like this. I was slightly lost and it frightened me. The thought of losing my new pack because of my decisions shook me to the core. How do other Lunas do this?

I rested my head on the bed and closed my eyes, silently begging him to wake up.

Author's note: This is about to get interesting! :D

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