Chapter 21 part 1

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I woke up to Christine shaking me, a terrified look in her eyes. I furrowed my eyebrows, confused as to why she scared. I then heard it, the howl that only Jeremy would make. My eyes widened and I jumped out of bed, throwing my hair up into a messy bun. I threw on some workout clothes before sprinting downstairs. I walked outside to see all my warriors running into the woods.

Christine and I followed closely behind, both of us reassuring the warriors that looked back. They hesitated by once I smiled at them and nodded, they continued. We ran out into the clearing, joining my father's warriors. I gaped at the amount of wolves Jeremy had, many of them were rogues. I growled, the bastard is teaming up with rogues.

"Well, he is teaming up with Crudelis, who is a rogue." my wolf chirped.

"Thank you." I replied sarcastically.

My father glared at Jeremy, his black eyes filled with hatred. Jeremy looked at our army and smirked, a gleam in his eyes that had me disgusted. He didn't say anything, he only stood there. After a few minutes Crudelis walked to the front, a callous grin smothered on his face. I sneered at him, disgust, hatred, all those dark emotions forming as I remembered what he did to Veloces. I still don't know the whole story and I may never will.

"Well, this is going to be fun....and easy." Crudelis smirked, his eyes glinting.

I clenched my jaw, refusing to even speak to the vile man. He pursed his lips, "I can see no one is going to speak to me." he then scanned the crowd, stopping when he spotted Fortis.

"You're joining them?" he asked.

I could see anger in his eyes but also hurt, something I was stunned to see. I didn't even think this man could feel such emotions anymore. Fortis didn't say a word, he only nodded. He glared at his father, his hands rolling into fists as the anger radiated off of him.

"Fortis, not yet." I mind linked him.

He relaxed after a few seconds, but continued to glare at his father. Crudelis then looked at me, narrowing his eyes. "Ah, so the bitch is still alive?" he grinned. "Wouldn't be surprised if you cheated on him like my mate did to me."

"Did you ever think that maybe you should have listened to her?" I retorted. "No, you believed your man whore of a Beta while your mate struggled with the fact that she was raped. She had to endure months of abuse because you're pathetic ass didn't believe her."

He just stared at me, his eyes empty, void of any emotion. I needed to at least say that to him, Fortis would kill him if he spoke and Veloces would never tell him. Mainly because he's in a coma and I'm planning on killing him. After taking his wolf away.

Without any warning, Jeremy and Crudelis lunged at us. They shifted mid-air, their packs following them. We did the same, crashing into wolves and tearing them apart. I shifted into my wolf and broke the neck of a she-wolf who tried killing me first. I threw her limp form away, baring my teeth as a mud brown wolf ran towards me.

His eyes were amber and were shining with hatred as he jumped into the air. I easily dodged him and grabbed him by the throat. I broke his neck as well and tossed him aside, I then moved onto the next. I fought wolf after wolf, blinded by my own rage as I kept seeing Veloces in the hospital bed. They did this. He did this. I snarled loudly, adrenaline pumping through my veins.

Christine fought beside me, tearing wolves apart. Clayton attacked any wolf that tried sneaking up on her and she would glance at him every now and then. I could see Bane killing any rogue that ran his way. I killed the hundredth wolf and looked at the battle. Dread filled me, there were so many wolves on Jeremy's side. I then spotted my father, fighting with Jeremy.

He threw Jeremy on the ground, a yelp escaping the other Alpha's throat. I couldn't see Crudelis anywhere, but I no longer cared. I continued slaughtering wolves, wanting to murder his whole pack. I heard a whine of pain and looked over, stunned by the scene.

Olivia had her father pinned down, baring her teeth. Jeremy struggled to escape her, his eyes pleading with her. However, she was far gone, without any hesitation she broke his neck. The life left his eyes as a puddle of blood started forming around him. Olivia got off him and looked at my father, she nodded before continuing to fight. I was shocked when Jeremy's pack didn't stop fighting our packs. I then spotted Crudelis, smirking at the limp body of Jeremy.

Olivia noticed as well, narrowing her eyes. She looked at me and I nodded, telling her to continue fighting. She turned and attacked another wolf, breaking his neck. I attacked more wolves, killing any wolf that got in my way.

"Clayton, we're losing too many wolves." I mind-linked him.

"Don't worry Luna, we have help." he replied.


A loud howl echoed through the trees, stopping every wolf in the clearing. We all turned to see a large Alpha slowly approaching from the forest, thousands of wolves following him. He stood tall and regal like, scrutinizing every single wolf on Crudelis' team. He then spotted Clayton and nodded, then he saw me. He nodded and barked, a flood of warriors emerged from the forest and ran into the clearing.

They killed Crudelis' wolves, leaving me stunned. I snapped out of it though and continued fighting. My body ached, my fur was soaked in blood, but I kept on fighting. I had to, I needed to protect my pack the best I could.

I was suddenly thrown onto the ground, a crack sounding through my ribs. I howled in pain, the sharp pain flowing through my ribs. I looked up to see Crudelis' wolf looking at me, abhorrence in his eyes. He bared his teeth, laying his ears flat. Everyone stopped in the clearing and I scanned them. Most of his army was dead and a lot of mine was still alive. Along with which pack just came and helped us.

I turned my attention back to Crudelis and bared my teeth, that must of pissed him off further because he slammed his paw on my neck. I winced, the ache starting to make itself known. He opened his mouth and got ready to end me when a loud growl sounded. The growl sent chills through me, a sense of safety falling over me.

Everyone's eyes widened as they looked towards the forest. Crudelis' paw left my throat as he spun around and bared his teeth. I slowly sat up and turned around, my heart fluttering. There he stood in his wolf form, his blue eyes glaring into Crudelis'. He bared his teeth, his ears flat against his head. He was awake and alive.

Veloces is back. My mate is back. And Crudelis is in a load of shit.

Author's note: You guys are going to murder me for this cliff hanger, huh? ;)

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