Chapter 10

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I ignored the guards as they chased me, barking and trying to get me to slow down. I just snapped at them, using my Alpha voice to make them stop. I shifted as I reached the porch and ran into the packhouse, trying to find someone. I sighed in relief when I found Christine in the kitchen, making herself a sandwhich.

"Christine!" I gasped, trying to gain my breath.

She shrieked and spun around, her eyes wide. When she realized it was me she narrowed her eyes, "Why are you back? To make Veloces feel like complete shit?" she spat.

"No, I need you to warn him about something."

"Why not do it yourself?"

"I have no idea where he is and I need him to know as soon as possible."

"No, find him yourself and tell him."

I gaped at her, is she really doing this? Clearly it's urgent, but she doesn't care. She's pissed off because I didn't want to be abused anymore and feared for my life. I growled loudly, storming up to her. Her eyes widened a bit with fear as I roughly grabbed her jaw.

"Listen, he needs to know. I'll go find him myself, but you're a pathetic female Beta. Refusing to warn your Alpha of something when it's clearly urgent because of what? Because your friend from childhood rejected him and left because he was abusing her? Because she feared for her life? You're truly pathetic." I snarled, letting go of her.

Her heart was hammering against her chest as she just stared at me, hurt flashing in her eyes. "I-I'm sorry, I-

"Save it." I growled before turning and running back out of the packhouse.

His scent was nowhere in there, so he has to be somewhere else. I shifted and ran through the forest, trying to gain his scent. I was relieved when I caught his scent and followed it. Fear of catching him with another female had me slightly faulter in my step. I came to a stop in the middle of the forest, feeling somewhat stupid. Why would he even believe me? He probably hates my guts now because I messed up something that is special to a werewolf. Something that was a form of a second chance to him. I sat on my hunches, just staring at the ground.

Why do I suddenly feel heartbroken? My wolf whimpered, telling me to move on. I shook my head, whatever, I need to warn him anyway. I was about to get up and run again when someone attacked me. I snarled and snapped at the thin wolf. He didn't smell of any pack and looked like a walking skelaton. A rogue. I bared my teeth, laying my ears flat against my head as we circled.

He suddenly lunged, mouth open as he prepared to bite my throat. I dodged him and grabbed his neck, digging my teeth into his flesh. I easily snapped his neck and threw him aside, growling for a little bit. I shook out my fur and turned only to stop.

Standing in front of me were at least six rogues, all of them baring their teeth with hunger sparkling in their dark eyes. Shit.

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