Scared part 2

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I know it's been so long since I posted that chapter but I'm here for a part two because someone in my comments reminded me and I had completely forgotten SO LETS GO

I woke up with a headache feeling like an anvil fell on top of my head. I cried all night long. That's a reasonable response right?

I look in the mirror. Tear streak stains. Great, if my dad sees them he'll call me a pussy and tell me to man up with a slap. I'm not in the mood for that.

I go back to bed in my dark room. I'm not in the mood for school either.


I can't sleep.

This is torture. I'm left alone with only my thoughts. Usually I'd call Bruce when this kind of thing happens, when I have bad thoughts, but I can't.

I wasn't good enough for Bruce. I'm not good enough for anyone. Everyone is afraid of me. I never wanted that for myself. Bruce has every right to be afraid of me.


I need to text Vance. What happened wasn't fair to him, it's entirely my fault.

I lay on my bed staring at my ceiling with my phone in my hand, the bright moon illuminating my room.

I'm debating one what I should type to Vance. I don't know how to word it without it sounding cocky.

I keep deleting what I write. Nothing sounds right. I feel tears well up in my eyes

"Hey, can we please talk when you're free, I just need to explain myself."

I settle on that and before I could think about it I send it. I throw my phone to the end of them bed and cover my face as soon as it says delivered. I'm scared to see what he says.

I guess all I can do now is wait until he sees it in the morning. Even though it's only 9:30 I know he's already sleeping. He always goes to sleep early. He' does to avoid his step-mom because she gets home at 10:00. He hates her.


6:15 am

I was awake all night. The thoughts wouldn't shut up.

I get up out of bed deciding it's a good idea that I go to school today. I look at myself in the mirror with a disgusted look. My eye bags are dark and very noticeable, my eyes are red and puffy from crying, the stains from my tears are still there, my hair is a mess and it looks greasy. I look so gross. Why is this the way I react.

I take a hot shower hoping my hair and my face would look at least a little better.

After my shower I get dressed and check my phone. Great. A text from Bruce from 9 hours ago.

I don't wanna talk to him. I'm scared that if I do I'll break down and cry. I don't want him to think I'm weak or clingy over him. That's weird. He'll think I'm weird.

Shit, I accidentally opened it. I don't know what to say though. I just ignore it and leave the house feeling the cold air hit my face. I take a nice deep breathe and put on my headphones.


I saw that Vance read it but didn't say anything. It kinda hurt when I first saw that but I don't care anymore I'm just hoping to catch him in the hallways so I can explain. That's all I want. To explain myself.

I check all of his usual spots and no sign of him. Maybe he skipped again. I wouldn't be surprised. Usually when Vance breaks down and pushes everyone away from him he skips school.

"Woah dude slow down" I accidentally bumped into Robin. "Sorry dude but I'm trying to find Vance." I try to leave but he grabs my shoulder. "He's in the nurses office. Is something going on with you two?" Right, I forgot they don't know "it's hard to explain" I run off to the nurse so I don't miss him.

I run down the hall out of breathe. I take a peak into the window of the office. I see Vance sitting in one of the blue, plastic chairs. Jesus he looks like he just went through hell and back.

I walk in slowly trying to be quiet.

"Vance?" I say his name to get his attention. He looks up his facial expression not changing. He sighs "Bruce I'm not in the mood to talk right now" no don't say that. "Please just let me explain" he doesn't say anything so I take it as a yes and start talking "listen when we first star-"

"I think we should break up" I'm stunned by his words. I didn't know what to do. What should I say "what..?" My breathing starts to quicken "anything that I've left at your house I want back. Including my jacket"

This all sounds so surreal. Just three days ago we were happy and I was wearing said jacket while laying in his arms.

All I can spit out is a small "okay" and I leave the room in a rush this time not trying to be quiet.

That's it. My 11 month relationship is over. My longest and happiest relationship just gone like that. Are you kidding me?

I'm going home. I can't take this.


Bruce and Vance hadn't seen or talked to each other for a least a month and a half.

You'd think like most high school couples they would've moved on by now but that's not the case for them. Bruce can't stop thinking of Vance and Vance can't stop thinking of Bruce.


Vance came to school with a black eye. I'm worried. I know we aren't on speaking terms I just wanna make sure he's okay. We may not be friends but I still care about him.

I saw his beautiful curls from down the hall. I quickened my pace to catch up with him. He went into the bathroom and I entered just a few seconds after him.

"Vance?" I say his name to get his attention. He looks at me with a surprised look on him face. "Hi Bruce" he looks down to his feet. I think he trying to hide his face "is it your dad again?" He nods his head and looks at me with tears in his eyes. "I can't stay in that house anymore Bruce"

I couldn't stand seeing him in this state. It felt nice that he was comfortable showing me this side of him though. I meant a lot to me.

"Come here" I say quietly opening my arms from him. He doesn't hesitate and hugs me tightly resting his head on my shoulder. I could hear his small sniffles.

"Are you still afraid of me?" He asked into my neck. I felt a sharp pain stab my heart. "Vance I was never afraid of you"

"Then why did Finney say that?" The thing about Finney is he tends to forget things and when he remembers them he jumbles things up so he uses the correct details just in the wrong order. You get?

"I was afraid of arguing" I admit shyly. He pulls away looking at me confused. "Ive seen you argue with your past girlfriends, it's just not something that I want. And I was afraid you'd be like.. your dad.." I say putting my head down and standing back form him.

He pulls me into his chest and holds me tight. "I'd never be like him. Not towards you at least." I smile and give him a peck on the cheek

"Stay at my house tonight.. and bring me your jacket back" he smiles brightly


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