XIII : THE PAST (part two)

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Hojin listened to the guards report of the capture, imprisonment and torture of Kim Taehyung and the demon, Jeon Jungkook, with growing interest. He glanced at the General-Commander, whose expression appeared stony and displeased, but Hojin could see beyond it to the gleam in his old friend's eyes. He was happy that neither one of them was breaking, and Hojin knew why: the more resistant Taehyung was, the more unwilling he was to let go of his feelings, the more likely the felling would produce the desired result.

The guard was dismissed to await further orders after delivering his report. He left with a respectful bow and back out of the office. Once the door clicked shut and they were alone, the General-Commander sat back on his ornately carved wooden desk chair and let out a deep, satisfied sigh accompanied by a smile that stretched slow and pleased across his mouth.

"Well, Hojin, old friend. I doubt even our Minhyun could have predicted this outcome." Hojin's expression mirrored his old friend's. "No, I don't think he could have," he replied in an easy voice. "It's something of a stroke of fortune."

"A stroke of fortune?" Seongmin scoffed. "I think you're making too small of it."

He leaned forward and rested his elbows on the desk, locking his fingers together in front of his face. Hojin watched his expression become sour and his dark eyes turn stormy.

"That damned Dragon," he cursed. "If I had killed him when I had the chance..." He trailed off with an irate click of his tongue.

"It was a lesson learned," Hojin replied soberly. "Now we know how far the Emperor's willing to go to ensure things go her way."

"Idealistic fool," Seongmin spat. "Does she truly believe that ridiculous human saying, what is it? 'The truth will set you free,'" Seongmin mocked. "How stupid - how fitting for a race of weaklings."

Hojin remained quiet while Seongmin continued his rant about the Emperor, knowing he needed to get it out of his mind before they could go back to discuss more important topics, namely what to do about the tragic lovers they held in their dungeons, and how to end this pointless war.

"At least this war has proven useful in showing not all demons are willing to follow her blindly," Seongmin said, finishing his rant and sitting back more calmly than before.

"True," Hojin answered, "but you know this Lee Changmin is not to be trusted."

"Yes, I know," Seongmin waved his hand dismissively. "I knew it the second I saw him. His greed for power is obvious, and it's plain that he's led by his hatred for Jeon."

"I wonder what Jeon did to him to invoke such strong hatred in him," Hojin mused. Jeon, now captive in their dungeons, was a known entity. A demon warrior who was known to angels and demons alike. Changmin did not have such a reputation, his name wasn't one whispered in the barracks, and Hojin wondered if that contributed to his loathing. "In any case, his craving for power is dangerous," Hojin continued. "We need to ensure we keep him leashed and contained. Too much leeway to do whatever he wants and he may slip through our fingers and become more trouble than he's worth."

"He did deliver what we need on a platter," Seongmin said, letting his fingers untwine and hands fall to his desk. A cruel smile spread over his face. "What a convenient fool young Kim Taehyung turned out to be."

Hojin held back his sorrowful sigh, and nodded instead. It was better to agree with his friend in this case. It was true that Kim Taehyung had become a convenience for their plans, but there was an undeniable truth that he had to acknowledge:

"Losing an angel such as him is a great loss to our people."

Seongmin's smile fell. "He made his choice to lay with the rats," the General-Commander said coldly, clearly unimpressed with Hojin's reminder of Taehyung's great potential, which Hojin knew Seongmin would never admit he saw as a threat.

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