Training and Learning

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"See you in 20.." I smile softly.

I head down to the dining room a while later. I noticed the same red head from earlier sitting down already, looking at an iPad or something. I sigh, glancing around the room, noticing other people I haven't met before. A tall, white blonde man, with blue eyes and totally full of himself. "Steve rogers" he walks up to me and introduces himself. "Vye." I say with a faint smile. "I know who you are." He says, winking at me and sitting back down.


A huge tall man, with long hair walks up to me, the floor wanting to break with every step he took. "Thor! Some call me a hammer-wielding god usually known by the flash of lightning, rolling of thunder, echo of storms, and some others like sacred groves, trees, strength, the protection of humankind, hallowing, and fertility. Oh and the son of Odin" he tell me. "I- uhm.." I look to him speechless. "Oh right, and Avenger" he says proudly to which I smile faintly. "Nice to meet you.. I suppose." I tell him and sit myself down at the table. "PIZZA!" Tony announces, walking into the room. I smile faintly, starving to eat. "Vye? You met everyone?" He asks me. "Not me!" Bruce says, walking into the room, "hi there, I'm Dr Bruce Banner" he says, holding out his hand to shake mine. I just nod and look down as he slowly pulls his hand away. "Vye, it's okay he's a good doctor" Tony reassures me. I just nod and tap my foot on the floor.

Nat Pov

I notice her distancing herself when Bruce introduces himself as a Doctor.

Strange.. but not really.

"And I'm Natasha Romanoff, also known as Black Widow" I tell her. She looks to me. A blank expression. "Black Widow..?" She asks, barely to be heard. I nod and look away as she looks down.

She put two and two together..

Vye Pov

Black Widow..

But- she's a widow?! How did I not notice?! I'm sure there have been stories told of her.. why can't I remember?

"Sorry I'm late" a shorter man walks in. "No worries Barton, wouldn't expect anything less from you" Steve banters with him. "Shut it fossil" the man talks back. "Hi I'm Clint, but some call me Hawkeye" he smiles, nodding in my direction and I slightly nod back.

Vye Pov
The next day

I wake up in my room to an alarm and loud voice. "The time is 5:30 am, Monday December 18th, 2017. Time to wake up for Training Ms Volkov" Jarvis announces. I groan, obviously, sitting up and looking out my windows at the view of nothing. 

After a couple minutes, I get up, freshen up in the bathroom and then walk back out to my room, putting on Black leggings with a dark green top, some gym shoes and I pull my hair back into a low pony tail.

I walk down to the kitchen of the compound, grabbing a water, "morning." I hear a voice and turn my head to find a familiar red head walking into the room. "Mhm.." I sigh, looking down and taking a sip from the water. "Not a morning person?" She asks, grabbing a water as well. "No, no I love mornings, just not training when I know what I'm doing" I tell her, obviously annoyed. "Look, vye, training must be consistent if you want to be an Avenger. You may think you have all the training in the world, which you do, but you need to keep it as second nature." She tells me.

"First of all.. I don't want to be an avenger. I never did. I wanted out of this ridiculous mess. I'm not meant.. for this." I tell her. "And secondly, out of all people, you should know that our training will always be second nature whether we are "consistent" or not.. Ms Romanoff." I conclude, walking out of the room to the training room to meet Tony and Steve while the red head follows behind.


"COME ON! You're not even trying!" I yell at him. "RELAX!" Steve yells back. I groan, kicking his feet from under him and watch as he falls to the ground. I sigh, sitting down on the floor against the wall and closing my eyes, just wishing this was a joke.

"You may be Captain America but you just got beat by a 16 year old girl" Tony chuckles, walking into the room with Natasha beside him. "Oh be quiet.." he groans, getting up and getting some water while holding his back. I chuckle slightly, leaning my head against the wall and looking up at the two who just walked in. "Agent Hill wants to talk to you upstairs. Mind coming with me?" Natasha says, walking to the door. I sigh heavily, I mean dramatically heavy. I get up, throwing my bottle to the side and walk with her.

"So, you seem to be off to a good start hm?" She asks. I don't reply, but nod slightly instead. "Look I'm not an enemy. I know what you've been told about being around other Widows, but I'm your friend vye. You can trust me" she tells me while we walk. "Yeah.. right." I say, stopping to look at her. "How come I've never heard your name? Or who you are? Until now..?" I ask her. "They didn't tell you about me in the-" I stop her. "Don't.. don't say it." I sigh, walking into the elevator. "And no, they didn't. I've never heard your name in my life." I say, avoiding eye contact. "Hm.." I hear her respond.

We continue the elevator ride in an awkward silence, luckily not too long before the doors open to a hallway to which at the end is two glass doors leading to a conference room. Once we get there, she opens the door for me to walk in. "Thanks.." I mumble, I see her nod out of my peripheral vision as I walk in and sit down across from Agent Hill. "Nice to see you again Vye! How's everything going? Settling in alright?" She asks me to which I sigh. Again. "Yup." I respond, sarcastically of course. "Look, I know it may be hard for you at first, but it'll get easier." She tells me, to which I look at her and tilt my head slightly. "What would you know.. about me?" I tell her. "That's not on those documents of course. The papers only tell you so much Agent Hill. You know me based off hearsay and writing. Not by me personally." I sit up, getting closer to her. "You know nothing about me Maria Hill." I tell her, a sharpness in my voice.

I sit back, her just staring at me. "You're right. Completely right. So let me get to know you, how about that?" She asks me, I look up at her. "You don't want to get to know me. Trust me." I tell her, venom lacing my voice with every word. She smiles at me, the hell.. "Maybe I do! I want to know you for you, Levi" she says and I look at her, caught off guard. "What did you call me..?" I ask her. "Levi..?" She says confused. "No one's called me that in-" she cuts me off. "Since you left that place?" She asks me and I nod, looking to the door where I see a faint glimpse of red leaving through. I look back go Maria, "so you want to get to know me then..?" I ask her, and she smiles at me, nodding. "I do" she tells me, sincerely.


AN: hey loves! Maria is getting closer to us 😬

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