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Vye's pov


I sit in the room. Scared. Worried.

Have I been caught?

Are they coming for me?

Am I going to die..?

I look around the room, taking in my surroundings once more. Cameras.. seriously. Cameras in my room?! A little privacy would be nice..

I glance at the door once I hear the handle being turned. "Hey, mind if I ask you a couple more questions?" The brunette man asks. I sigh heavily, "mind if I ask you a couple first?" I reply with venom in my voice. He nods and takes a seat a couple feet in front of me. "Who are you?" I ask him. He's already told me who he is. "Tony Stark" he replies. I sigh, "no- I- I know that. What I mean is, who do you work for? Dreykov?" I ask with caution laced in my voice. "No. I do not work for him or anything like him and his organization." He tells me with honesty. I let out a small sigh of relief. "Good to know.." I say and look at him. "So, what do you want with me?" I ask him. "I took you in to protect you. It wasn't safe for you to be out on the streets, alone, no where to go, and with no protection. Now, I can explain much more if you would join me downstairs for a meeting with a few people you might like." He suggests. I look to him, deeply, trying to find any sort of dishonesty.

"Okay.." I reply. "I'll go to your meeting" I add. He nods and stands up. "One more question?" I ask him. "Hm?" He asks, opening the door for me. "What's with the cameras? I don't get much privacy with them in my room.." I say looking to him. "They're only temporary. Don't worry, I was opposed to it but Fury and Hill said it was for the best." He says with a deep sigh. "Fury and Hill..?" I ask confused, "you'll meet them today! Shall we?" He asks. I nod and walk into the hallway.

This is going to be interesting.

*** at meeting ***

Tony walks me into the meeting room. I immediately count three new people. Five including Tony and myself. He pulls a chair out for me to sit, and I do. "Thank you.." I say to him and he nods. I look around the room and notice that they are all staring at me except for one particular red head. She seems to be looking at some documents. "What's that?" I ask, gesturing to the document. "Nothing." She replies coldly, closing the folder and looking to me. My breath hitches once we make eye contact, she sighs faintly and looks at a tall man with an eye patch, to whom of which standing next to him is a tall brunette.

I sigh, looking down and feeling helpless. "We know who you are. Where you're from. And what you can do." The tall man says and I look up to him. "How..?" I ask. "Allow me to introduce myself" he's avoiding my questions. "I am Nick Fury, director of S.H.E.I.L.D, and this is my right hand agent, Maria Hill" he says, the female smiles faintly and nods in my direction. "Nice to meet you." I say blatantly. "So what do you want from me?" I ask. Tony looks to me, giving me a calm down look and I sigh. "We want to train and help you grow." The tall man says. I glance around the room, taking in notice that the red head hasn't said or introduced herself. I look to the man. "Why." I ask. "Because I believe you will be a great asset to our team" he tells me. "Team?" I ask confused. "The Avengers. We have just recently established a group of Earth's Mightiest Heroes to stand as the planet's first line of defense against the most powerful threats in the universe. The Avengers are a group of extraordinary individuals to which you would be an incredible asset to someday." He concludes his speech. I look to Tony, "how long do you think it took him to write that out and memorize it?" I ask him with sarcasm, getting a stifled laugh out of him and a smirk from the red head.

I smile to myself and he just stares at me. "Tough crowd.." I mumble and sit back in my seat. "Do I even have a choice?" I ask him. "Not unless you want to be taken back to the red room and-" Maria buds in. "Enough" she says, looking to me. "Look, it's in your best interest to allow us to at least try. You're 16, within these three years, we can train you so well that by the time you're 18 we can recruit you as an avenger. What do you say?" She asks with a small smile. I look to her, I sigh and cross my arms. "Okay, I'll sleep on it" I tell her. "I'll take it" she says with a smile and I stand up, "and for your information, I am well trained. I was the best of the best in my class in that place. I've completed every step and was going to graduate early. They even did the stupid ceremony on me already. But I was the only one smart enough to realize that I needed an escape, so that's what I did. I got out. I got out before they could brainwash me. But I'm sure that's in my file.. right?" I say, looking to the red head.

She looks to me, standing up and walking over to me so we're only a foot apart. "No actually. It wasn't. But I'm going to chat with you a lot it seems." She says, looking me up and down, then walking out of the room. I stand there, shaking my head before walking out and going back to my "room".

Natasha Pov

She said she wasn't brainwashed yet. Maybe I can get her to fill in the pieces of what I'm forgetting.

What am I kidding.. she's a kid. All I have to do is focus on training her.

But she said she's completed her training.. head of her class, just like me.

That doesn't mean she knows everything, how could she? She doesn't even know who I am.

There's something about her that's not in the files.

At least not in the files given to us.

Fury knows something we don't. And it's only a matter of time before we do.

*a couple days later*
*Vye has warmed up a bit to Tony*
Tony Pov

"So what can you tell me about her?" Pepper ask, walking into the lab where I'm working. "Not much." I say, wiping my hands off with a towel and taking the coffee cup from her. "Come on.. like, what's her name?" She asks and I sigh, looking at her. "Leviathan Volkov. But she prefers to be called Vye." I tell her, leaning against my work table. "Vye huh.." she smiles. "It's a pretty name!" She says and I roll my eyes. "You with names.." I shake my head and chuckle. "Oh come on! Its unique! I like it" she says with a smile. "Can you tell me anything else??" She insists and I sigh, crossing my arms. "She's 16, almost 17, her birthday is ina couple weeks, on Christmas actually" I tell her. "Oh that's exciting!" She says, clapping her hands. "And she's is one of the best child assassins in history. I mean.. her files are just, impeccable, she's just got this fire in her and I truly believe that if we train her for good, with Nat's help, she can save the world pepper.. I mean it. She can be extraordinary." I tell her. "You like her don't you." She says. "That sounds so wrong" I say, punching the bridge of my nose. "Oh come on! You've taken her under your wing!" She says with a smile. "I have not!" I tell her. "Oh you so have." She says and I roll my eyes. "You're ridiculous" I tell her, getting up and walking out of the room. "I'm ordering pizza for dinner!" I say, leaving the room.

Vye's Pov

"What kinda pizza do you want?" Tony asks, coming into my room and throwing a small towel at me. I laugh and sit up, "hmm.. I'm thinking pepperoni." I tell him. He rolls his eyes and I laugh, "boringggg" he says sarcastically. I smile and hug my knees. "Alright.. pepperoni it is. Be be downstairs in 20?" He asks me. "Sure.." I smile faintly. "Oh and, if you don't mind, I'm going to introduce you to the team tonight, if that's okay?" He asks me and my heart rate increases. "Like.. the whole team?" I ask him. " I can tell them not to come if you don't want.. it's up to you" he says. "No no, it's okay! I'm sure it'll be fun.." I say, forcing a smile. "See you in 20.." I smile softly.


AN: Hi loves! Omg, so this is the first chapter, it's a bit short, so I'm sorry, but here is some of Vye's life. It's not perfect, but it's something. 💚

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