일곱 ──♡

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the stars couldn't fit in your eyes so the gods placed them on you cheeks. when you smile your eyes disappear and i find that so adorable. please keep smiling for me.
- minnie

the day before, he did not receive a note from minnie. felix went along his normal day, worried about the note giver.

maybe i should leave a reply or note tomorrow? it seems weird, but i want their number. the blonde sneezed, which interrupted his train of thought. he shook his head, not wanting to further think about his, self proclaimed, odd thoughts.

as he opened his locker this morning, he was delighted to see the pink note again this morning. alongside the cute paper was a small bag of strawberry shaped gummies. his stomach was filled with little fireworks that went off with every word he read on the note. by the end of the note he smiled so brightly. beaming like an ecstatic little kid.

the people around him began to notice the boy's happiness and were wondering what made him smile so brightly. one person, being the selfish little prick they were, thought that their note made him smile.

"hi lixie oppa~" she said, sickenly sweet. and right when she said that, felix had to hold back a gag that was fighting to escape his small lips. his mood completely flipped from giddy to annoyed. her perfume smelled expired and she looked like she had kilos of makeup caked onto her face.

"bye jooyun." felix deadpanned to the girl. (a.n random name lol)

she rolled her eyes playfully, "did you read my note?~".

"huh? what note? this one?" he stated as he showed the note, the writing facing him. he knows better than to show the private message.

"no~ the blue one!"

"oh i threw it into the trash." he sarcastically replied, saying it just so that she'd go away. but in reality, he never received a blue note.

"you did?! how could you!" she madly said. the bystanders rolled their eyes as she threw a child-like tantrum.

"lol just kidding, i never received one." felix said annoyed, shutting his locker, then turning around to face the angry girl.

and right after this moment, seungmin looked into his locker to find the supposed blue note. he held it between two fingers, like it was poisoned. disgusted, the puppy looking boy opened the note and read it as everyone watched him read it. and like a boss, he closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and ripped it.

felix was shocked. jooyun burst into tears. and everyone in the hall froze and stared at the puppy looking boy.


and jisung, casually late, "...what?"


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sorry sung, and sorry to my lovely readers! thank you so much for getting me to 100+ readers in a little over a week <3 i hope you enjoy (or enjoyed) this book so far

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