열셋 ──♡

181 14 12

it was weird knowing one of your friends liked you and for a while too. it was even weirder not knowing how to feel about it.

felix was in this exact feeling as he walked to his locker. he felt guilty for no reason. all the whispers around him were a bit too much right now. sluggishly opening the creaky metal door of his locker, he was glad to see the note today. but all the feelings circulated in his stomach, making him feel sick as he opened up the paper.

the feelings soon unanimously decided to flutter in his stomach making him feel warm. the compliments in the note caused him to become extremely giddy. he let out a laugh that made many students in the hallway freeze at the heavenly sound. the australian was smiling so big it practically looked like the sun was right there.

across the ray of sun, was a happy and excited puppy. he was about hand felix's strawberry milk to him in person. he pushed off of his locker, making his way to felix, but was stopped by another person.

"hey seungmin, do you want to study with me after school today?" jeongin asked the puppy boy as he stepped in front of him, blocking his way. the slightly taller boy was shocked by the other, and was in a hurry to give his treat to felix.

seungmin sighed, in a hurry, quickly saying, "yeah, i can. what time?"

in a stalling sort of manner, jeongin drags out a hum and asks, "i have no clue... what time works for you..?"

the puppy boy was annoyed at the indecisiveness of the younger and saw chan talking to felix. he was irritated and wanted to quickly finish his task.

"uh, i'll tell you second period. i really need to do something, sorry innie."

seungmin was trying to quickly slip past jeongin, but was blocked again, making an excuse. "seungmin, i really need to know~ i have an important dinner to attend."

and at the worst time possible, the first period bell rang. causing all the students to disperse down the paths of the hallway. chan walked with felix as seungmin watched them. he sighed and quickly walked faster than jeongin, purposefully ignoring the younger.


felix, on the other hand, felt sad that seungmin didn't give him a sweet this time. they were a good treat in the morning, and made him very happy.

chan approached the younger and he ran on and on about a sports team felix didn't really care about. felix distractedly replied to chan, spacing out at seungmin's shoes. which luckily the puppy boy didn't notice.

when the first bell rang, felix was glad that chan stopped talking about the sports team and was talking about what the homework was the night before.


please remember to vote!

*cough* filler *cough cough* anyways yeah, no motivation, stress, school, and lack of sleep are a bitch. but I SWEAR i will actually try to give you more chapters this month :'D. sorry if it's not the chapter you wanted, i'm still planning the plot a bit. :[

- saiya

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