열넷 ──♡

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"did you hear? park jooyun moved to another school?" one of the girls in the hallway whispered, though it was more like a shout.

"yeah, i heard her family got sued for something." another girl added on, excitedly gossiping with the clique of girls.

seungmin tuned them out as he sluggishly walked to his locker. he didn't feel worthy of giving his note to felix. the boy hasn't even texted him, and seungmin felt guilty for fantasizing in his dream in the last few hours.

as he was approaching his assigned locker, jeongin was there waiting for him, through the latter noticed something. seungmin looked tired. no, scratch that. he looked sad, almost as if dog ears were drooping on top of his head. the older's uniform wasn't ironed and looked as if he rolled out of bed.

why is jeongin here? his locker is in a completely different hallway..

seungmin looked up to the said boy.

"jeongin, why are you here? isn't your locker in a different area?"

"im here to accompany my friend, why would i not be here?"

as seungmin opened his locker door, he scoffed. "uh huh, like you've done that before. be for real jeongin." a bored expression was written on his face as he deadpanned his reply.

jeongin, taken aback from how seungmin reacted he stayed quiet. of course, he saw how cranky seungmin was but he didn't expect him to lash out..

something is wrong..? what happened?

the older shut his locker door and walked away, not even saying bye to jeongin.


chan saw the whole thing unfold as he walked into the hallway. he was looking for felix, obviously. though, he never saw the other aussie. curious, as he was waiting for felix, he eavesdropped on the other two's conversation.

he took his time slipping a note into felix's locker. chan could really not care less about the drama, he just hoped jeongin was okay.

wait, no he didn't? he likes, no, is absolutely in love with felix, why would he like that foxy-looking kid.

scoffing as he shook his head, he leaned back on the locker next to felix's.

after a few minutes, he sees the said aussie. his hair was a mess and it looked like he didn't even get a wink of sleep. even his uniform was put on incorrectly; buttons in the wrong holes, his backpack unzipped, the collar unbuttoned.

chan looked up to the other as he approached the locker.

"lix, you good there mate?"


the completely exhausted boy nodded his head. his thoughts kept him up all night. (a.n up all night yeah yeah all the time 😌) not just any thoughts. his thoughts about seungmin. he couldn't stop think about him. why notes? why did he like him?

out of all people? what's so special about me? but why is he catching my attention? i thought i would never like anyone in high school.

chan was concerned at how felix was spacing out, just standing in front of his unopened locker, almost glaring at it.

"lix?" when his named was called by chan, the said boy snapped out of it.

"huh?" looking to the older, eyes glazing over, his lips ever so slightly ajar.

"are you okay? you seem tired.." the older asked worriedly, he wanted to spend more time with felix.

"uh, yeah. im fine." felix said, a bit too quickly to seem believable. he hurriedly opened his locker, grabbing his textbooks. (a.n 괜찮아 🥲... 괜찮아 😭)

while that was happening, chan asked, "do you want to walk to class with me?"

felix, irritated by the questions as he was not in the mood for some interrogation, sharply replied, "no, you don't even have class on this side of the school. and you never walk me to class anyway."

he abruptly shut the locker, and before chan could even react, the boy disappeared into the crowd of school kids. the older boy sighed dejectedly before heading to his class.


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omg an update⁉️ thank you guys for being so patient 🫶. and thank you for getting my (very very confusingly written) book to 2k reads! i would've never thought i could, thank you for reading it! this chapter is a slightly longer update than the others because i haven't updated in like... 2 months. but love you all, see ya soon!

- saiya

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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