八 mess of my mind

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*smut warning*

Law's eyes had flickered open very early in the morning in the dim infirmary.

He was sitting slouched in a chair. He had been in and out of sleep the whole night.

He had carried you back, cleaned you up, and stayed awake most of the night making sure you were breathing and okay.

You were so drunk you had fully passed out, and he was a doctor so it was his responsibility.


How could he just leave you?

He stood up letting out a heavy sigh as he walked over to your bed to check on you again.

You were laying, bed sheets wrapped loosely around your naked body.

Sleeping soundly.

He could immediately feel a twitch between his legs.

He walked over and pulled the sheet up further to cover your exposed skin.

He shuddered slightly. Seeing you upclose. Your pale, smooth skin. Lips slightly parted, as your chest was rising and falling at a steady pace. Your messy blonde hair sprawled out across the pillows.

You looked so vulnerable.

He could feel his body tense just looking at you.

"It's rude to stare," came your voice in a soft murmur.

His eyes widened as yours flickered open slowly.

He immediately turned away, but you spoke again in a half asleep tone,

"You were staring."

"Stop that, Shiina-ya."

His tone was firm and sounded pissed off.

A faint grin formed on your lips as you spoke in the same slurred tired tone,

"Hey, why are you mad at me? You were the one-"

"I was making sure you were breathing, I'm a goddamn doctor Shiina-ya!"

Your eyes shot open as he yelled.

It scared the shit out of you.

You had been half-asleep still, and were barely aware of the fact that you had even been speaking.

He let out an exasperated sigh as he looked at you with a pissed expression, before turning to walk out of the infirmary.

Your head was pounding so hard as you lay there staring at the door where he had just left. You felt too sick to get up and chase after him. You let out a heavy exhale, as you layed back down under the sheets to sleep the rest of the alcohol off.

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