一 unlucky start

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The light was disappearing, fading slowly. You had no sense of direction. Which way was up or down. Your mind was screaming. But your body was silent. Stuck in place, unable to move.

You were suffocating. That salty water being inhaled into your lungs as your body sunk deeper into the dark abyss of the sea.

The cruelest fate a devil fruit user can meet.

That was the last thing you remembered before...

You woke up.

In an unfamiliar place, in a bed. Your eyes darted around the room. It was an infirmary of some kind. You could see a few pieces of medical equipment. Cabinets and shelves, stocked with medical supplies.

It looked like a room you'd find on a pirate ship, although you couldn't feel the rock of the sea.

As you took in your surroundings, you desperately tried to think through the cloud that fogged your brain.

When you tried to move, you were quickly made aware of the pain you felt, your body aching as you lay there. You looked down to see your body wrapped in bandages, dressed in a baggy white t-shirt.

You attempted to move your stiff arms but they were abruptly stopped by something.


What the hell?

You were handcuffed to your bed. As you looked closer at the cuffs you realized.

Seastone cuffs.

And then immediately.


Sheer Panic.

Was I on a marine ship being transported home? Had I finally been caught?

But before you could spiral too far into your thoughts you heard a voice that yanked you from them.

"She's... awake finally. Go let the captain know."

Your head turned immediately to where the voice had come from. A few feet away from you stood a stout, brown-haired man you hadn't noticed before. He was wearing a white jumpsuit and a pointy, dark blue hat.

The man was staring at you with wide eyes, like if he dared to look away from you, you'd jump out of bed and attack him.

Which was almost humorous to you. You felt like you couldn't even move. When you tried to sit up and adjust your position, a groan left your lips. Your body hurt all over.

Just then, another man walked briskly into the room as he spoke,

"I hear the girl's awake."

He almost sounded... excited? And he was wearing that same white jumpsuit.

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