Let It Snow

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Jazmine focused her eyes on the road being sure to drive slow and steady. She was tired and she had only been driving for an hour but it was nothing compared to the beginning of her tedious trip to Houston. The gps read that her aunt's house was just twenty minutes away. Jazmine felt herself getting more and more tired but she was determined to make it on time for the family dinner her aunt prepared. She grabbed her phone from the passenger seat not realizing it was dead. Jazmine sighed to herself and reached in the backseat for her purse. Just as she located her charger, she looked up and immediately grabbed ahold of the steering wheel with both hands.

Beyoncé took a few steps back as she admired the great big Christmas tree in front of her. It was exactly how she pictured it in her head and now all it needed was some love. Normally she is on top of everything but she's been so caught up in dealing with her own personal issues so it seemed such short notice for her. Even though Christmas is just a few days away she managed to get back on her feet to make it a perfect holiday for her daughter despite her emotions.

"Okay, I think that's the last of the decorations." Blue came down the stairs with a tote.

"Well let's get started!" Beyoncé squealed.

"I can't wait for daddy to come." Blue smiled as she looked through the tote.

"Really?" Beyoncé grabbed a few of the gold ornaments sitting on top. "Have you talked to him?"

"He called me this morning when I woke up and he said he's going to be here tonight." Blue says.

"Well you'll see." Beyoncé nods.

"I hope Santa got me the best gift ever." Blue blurted.

"What's the best gift ever?" Beyoncé laughs.

"A puppy!" Blue said with a huge grin on her face.

"You have been talking about a puppy for a while now, haven't you?" Beyoncé began to rearrange the ornaments on the tree.

"That's right." Blue unraveled the lights.

Beyoncé and Blue made sure their Christmas tree was perfect. This was something they did together every year and they loved every minute of it. As Blue put the finishing touches on the tree, Beyoncé grabbed her phone from her back pocket and took a few pictures of Blue with the tree.

"The tree looks beautiful." Beyoncé pulled Blue into a tight hug. "You did an amazing job, baby."

"We did amazing, mommy." Blue squeezed her mom tightly.

"We did." Beyoncé smiled.

Beyoncé smiled more tonight than she has in the last few months. She has always tried to keep it together for her daughter's sake, but deep down she wanted for her life to be over. Taking it day by day was her motto. After finishing up with the tree and cleaning up, Beyoncé and Blue ate dinner and ended their night with Blue's favorite dessert. Ice cream sundaes with extra sprinkles. Blue laid in her bed watching cartoons as she anticipated her father's arrival. Beyoncé finished cleaning up in the kitchen and met with Blue in her room.

"Alright, lights out BlueBlue." Beyoncé hit the light switch.

"But daddy said he was going to be here." Blue pouts.

Beyoncé walked over to her and scooped her up into her arms. She pulled back her comforter and gently placed her into bed before tucking her in.

"I know baby, but it's getting late and I already let you stay up an hour longer." Beyoncé says. "Maybe he will be here in the morning."

"Fine." Blue fought back tears.

"Don't cry." Beyoncé planted kisses all over her face, causing her to laugh.

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