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Beyoncé looked around the restaurant as Shawn stared down at the menu in front of him. She was getting a little tired of waiting for the other half of their party to join them. Mostly because she hadn't eaten all day.

"How is Derrick going to invite us on a double date and have the nerve to be late?" Beyoncé glared at Shawn.

"I don't know." Shawn shrugs. "I called five minutes ago."

"Well and?" Beyoncé flipped the menu over.

"Said they was on the way." Shawn looked at her.

Beyoncé sat back in her chair and blew out a breath. It was silly games like these that she hated when it came to being around Shawn's friends. She didn't hate Derrick, but she didn't like him either. Tolerating him was something she grew good at. Beyoncé stood to her feet and gently pulled her dress down.

"Where you going?" Shawn asked her.

"To the ladies room." Beyoncé shot back. "And if they're not here by the time I get back to this table, I'm ordering with or without them."

Beyoncé found the bathroom and went on to handle her business. She washed her hands and dried them before reaching into her handbag for some hand lotion. She looked herself in the mirror and pushed the few strands of hair in her face behind her ear. Suddenly the bathroom door flew open as laughter filled the empty room and in walked a tall brown skinned woman whose beauty caught her attention immediately. Beyoncé looked the woman up and down in the mirror as she stumbled into one of the stalls. She thought for a second that she should leave but decided against it. She heard the woman laughing hysterically and laughed to herself. What could be so funny? Beyoncé thought. Soon after the woman came out of the stall and made her way to the sink right beside her. She watched as struggled to operate the soap dispenser.

"You place your hand underneath." Beyoncé subconsciously says.

"I hate these things." The woman laughed.

"Too much to drink?" Beyoncé giggles.

The woman looked up at her and said nothing for what felt like forever. Beyoncé froze in silence not knowing what was going through the other woman's mind in front of her.

"You're cute." The woman eyed her. "The names Jazmine. Jazmine Sullivan."

"Beyoncé." Beyoncé introduced herself.

"What kinda name is that?" Jazmine asks.

"Well, it's–"

Beyoncé's words were cut off by the loud sound of the hand dryer. Jazmine stood staring at her as she ran her hands back and forth underneath the hot air. Beyoncé waited patiently for her to finish. Jazmine finally finished and stood in front of her with her arms folded.

"Y–you here by yourself?" Jazmine stuttered.

"No." Beyoncé shook her head. "I'm here with my boyfr–"

"Ah, shit." Jazmine smacked her lips. "The fine ones always taken."

Beyoncé tried to mask the fact that Jazmine's comment caused her to blush.

"Are you here by yourself?" Beyoncé asked.

"Might as well be." Jazmine bat her eyes.

Beyoncé found herself in a deep trance as she took in every single detail of the beautiful woman before her. Jazmine leaned against the wall in a short white dress and black heels. Her hair was long and stopped right at her waist as the curls fell. Jazmine was a thick girl. Beyoncé shook her head not realizing that her name was being called.

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