Broken But Not Destroyed

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"Make sure your mother signs this paper tonight, Julianna." Beyoncé handed the young girl a form.

"I will! See you tomorrow, Mrs. Knowles!" Julianna waved, before running away.

Beyoncé watched as the last of the children loaded the buses outside the school building. When she turned her head, she noticed one of her students sitting on a bench alone. She made her way over and took a seat beside the young boy.

"How was your day today, Tristan?" Beyoncé asks, looking up at the sky.

Tristan was actually one of Beyoncé's favorite students in her entire fourth grade class. He was a chocolate skinned young boy, with the sweetest personality. Beyoncé always dreamed of having kids of her own some day. When she meets the perfect guy that is.

"She's on her way, Mrs. Knowles." Tristan quickly spoke.

"I know she is." Beyoncé nods. "I'm just wondering how your day went."

"It was okay." Tristan says. "Did you have a good day?"

"I did." Beyoncé smiles. "You know what the best part was?"

"What?" Tristan looks at her, his big brown eyes.

"Teaching you." Beyoncé grins.

Tristan leaned over to invite Beyoncé in a tight hug. She couldn't fight the feeling even if she wanted to as she embraced his warm hug. She always looked at him more of like a son than a student. He was always there for her when she was having a rough day and vice versa. Though he is just a child, he is an astounding listener. That was one of her favorite traits about him. To say she had a soft spot for him would be an understatement. The two sat talking on the bench a while longer until Beyoncé glanced at the time on her wrist watch.

"Tristan, do you think we should call your mom or maybe even your dad–"

"No!" Tristan cut her words off completely.

Beyoncé looked at Tristan puzzled. Never has he ever raised his voice before.

"I-I mean, can't we just wait a little longer?" Tristan begged. Beyoncé let out a small sigh.

Suddenly, an all black vehicle approached the curb and out of the car came a beautifully brown skinned woman. She was tall and wore a head full of curls. The woman was more on the thicker side, but her beauty was unmatched. She looked as if she was in a rush.

"Mom!" Tristan yells, running toward the woman.

"Hey, baby." The woman quickly spoke. "You ready to go?"

"Uh huh." Tristan nods, grabbing her hand.

Beyoncé stood to her feet.

"Uh, Ms. Sullivan?" Beyoncé called out.

"Tristan, go get in the car." The woman snapped her fingers. "And put on your seatbelt."

The woman walked over to Beyoncé who was still standing in front of the bench. Beyoncé studied the look on her face and it was not a happy look.

"Look, I know, I know I'm late." The woman started. "But I promise I will be on time tomorrow."

"Ms. Sullivan-"

"Please, call me Jazmine." The woman immediately cut her off.

"Jazmine.." Beyoncé said, uncertain. "This is the third time you have picked Tristan up late this week. I hope I'm not out of line when I ask this, but is there something going on at home?"

Jazmine's face immediately turned into a frown. Beyoncé felt the atmosphere grow different standing there in front of her.

"Tristan is very well taken care of. I just have been working a little later than usual." Jazmine snapped.

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