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Beyoncé rolled over on her back and let out a breath as she looked up at the ceiling. She stared at the custom made crystal chandelier hanging, admiring its beauty while listening to the silence of the atmosphere. Sitting up, she stretched and let out a yawn. She didn't have a clue as to why she was awake at the this hour. Beyoncé grabbed her phone from the nightstand and unlocked it, scrolling through her contacts list until she came across a certain name. Okay, so maybe she lied. She felt her heart was beating faster than it should as she typed the risky message in hopes that it was worth her while. Beyoncé shook her head and quickly hit send, throwing the phone down on her bed.

Why am I nervous? Beyoncé thought to herself.

The sound of her text tone made her jump. She quickly grabbed her phone from the comforter and read the message. Just as she was about to respond, a call was coming through. Jazmine. She inhaled deeply before accepting the call.

"Hey, stranger." Beyoncé spoke.

"Hey, big head." Jazmine's raspy voice came through the speaker.

"I haven't talked to you in a while.." Beyoncé leaned back in bed.

"Yeah, I've been working a lot these days." Jazmine responds. "How've you been?"

"Great. You?" Beyoncé asked.

"I'm good." Jazmine laughs.

Beyoncé slowly pulled her phone from her ear before placing it back.

"What's funny?" Beyoncé raised a brow.

"Nothing, Bey." Jazmine said.

"Something, Jaz." Beyoncé matched her tone.

"Are you alright?" Jazmine asks. "Do you know what time it is?"

Beyoncé looked over at the digital clock on her nightstand.

"Three in the morning." Beyoncé nodded.

"Exactly." Jazmine chuckled once more.

"I'm sorry, should I hang up?" Beyoncé asks, annoyed.

"No, you're good. Don't hang up." Jazmine begged.

Beyoncé then knew she had Jazmine right where she wanted her.

"Are you busy?" Beyoncé got up, heading toward her closet.

"Not so much." Jazmine said.

"Are you tryna get up?" Beyoncé questions, a seductive voice.

"I'll be there in ten." Jazmine said before hanging up.

Beyoncé smirked as she looked through her closet. She decided on a black lace set. It was Jazmine's favorite color. After getting herself together, she looked herself in the mirror. Beyoncé watched as her dark brown hair fell out of the ponytail it was in.

Beyoncé couldn't help but to admit sometimes she gets lonely when the lights go out. She doesn't love Jazmine. It's all fun and games with her. At least, that's what she'd call it. The pair met after Beyoncé broke up with her ex boyfriend and ever since then they've been in touch. Beyoncé didn't plan to go any further with her, but she could tell Jazmine really likes her. She heard a soft knock and made her way down the staircase. She hit the light switch to the porch and there she saw her.

"Hey." Beyoncé smiles, letting her in.

"What's up?" Jazmine bit her lip.

"You know what's up." Beyoncé began locking up.

Beyoncé turned around and there Jazmine stood. She was still as beautiful as the first time she laid eyes on her. Beyoncé was in need of her right now. Jazmine licked her lips and that sent her. Beyoncé took a step closer to her and just as she was going in, Jazmine swept her from her feet and headed up the stairs. Beyoncé couldn't lie and say that when her and Jazmine get together the sex isn't great. She's amazing. The way she handled Beyoncé was like no other.

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