Paging Dr. Sullivan

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"Okay, Ms. Knowles it looks like your blood pressure has elevated." Nurse Taylor says.

"Tell me something I don't know." Beyoncé sighed. "Can I have something to drink? I'm dying here."

"What did we say about the d-word?" Nurse Taylor gave her a look.

"Okay, okay." Beyoncé laughs. "Now can I please have a ginger ale?"

"I'm gonna go grab the doctor to take a look at that knee and then I'll be back to check your bp level again." Nurse Taylor said getting up from the stool.

"Ginger ale." Beyoncé said, her eyes following her out the door.

Beyoncé grabbed her phone from the overbed table and began to play her favorite game. Candy Crush. She would always tend to play when waiting for time to pass by. She got so caught up in the game that the knock on the door startled her.

"Knock, knock." A tall brown skinned woman popped in. "Someone order a ginger ale?"

She came from around the door and sat the soda can down on the table, along with her clipboard.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Sullivan." Dr. Sullivan held out her hand.

A voice so deep, yet so soft.

"Beyoncé." Beyoncé says, shaking her hand.

"Beyoncé. You have a lovely name." Dr. Sullivan smiles, writing on her clipboard. "Mean anything?"

"I'm not really sure." Beyoncé looked at her in a daze.

"So I heard you took a fall." Dr. Sullivan said aloud. "May I?"

"Sure." Beyoncé sighs.

She removed the blanket from Beyoncé's legs and lifted the gown to her kneecaps. Beyoncé jumped at the touch of her cold hands on her thigh.

"That hurt?" Dr. Sullivan asks. She gently pressed on her left knee.

"Mmhm." Beyoncé hissed.

"How about right there?" Dr. Sullivan looked at her. Beyoncé nod her head.

"So how's it looking?" Beyoncé asks.

"I'll know more once I get your x-rays." Dr. Sullivan nods.

She pulled the gown down and placed the blanket back over her body. Beyoncé watched as she grabbed the black pen from the front of her coat pocket.

"What're you doing?" Beyoncé tried to see the clipboard.

"Checking your chart." Dr. Sullivan said.

"Is my knee okay?" Beyoncé looks down at her leg.

"Hey," Dr. Sullivan rests a hand on her ankle. Beyoncé looked up at her. "I'm just looking over everything here, but I promise I'll let you know as soon as your x-rays get back. Okay?"

"Straight forward?" Beyoncé says.

"Straight forward." Dr. Sullivan repeats.

"Good." Beyoncé forced a smile.

"Oh, come on. You can give me something better than that." Dr. Sullivan laughed.

Beyoncé began to blush a little. Dr. Sullivan had an incredibly beautiful smile. It was contagious.

"I'm sorry, I just would rather be anywhere else." Beyoncé said.

"Well no one wishes to be in a hospital bed with a knee injury." Dr. Sullivan held the clipboard to her chest. "But ya know it happens and when it does, you're stuck with me."

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