Careful Planning

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The scene cuts in to a meeting room in which all of the higher ups are in, seeming to be discussing something regarding the final push the alliance will do on the skibidi toilets base.

Higher up #1:"so, we know the basics of the operation, yes?"

Higher up #2:"indeed, we have nearly everything planned out, the only thing we have to account is any surprises that our enemy may throw at us"

Higher up #3:"yes, we have had too many loses from unexpected surprises"

The third higher up said this with a bit of irritation, he wasn't wrong though, if there was anything that the toilets had that they didn't? It was the element of surprise, which the toilets used against them a lot, usually resulting in the skibidi toilets taking something from the alliance, which the higher ups wanted to stop.

Higher up #2:"even though we have an upgraded Titan and a new Titan in our ranks, we still have to be ready for every possibility"

Higher up #1:"how is the recovery for the other two titans going?"

Higher up #3:"Titan cameraman's recovery is going smoothly, he should be ready to deploy by the time we put this plan into action"

Higher up #1:"and what about Titan speakerman?"

Higher up #3:"well, since he took more damage, his recovery will take longer, so he more than likely won't be joining us for the push"

Higher up #1:"hmmmm, that will be a slight problem, but I believe we can still pull it off with three titans and the rest of the agents"

Higher up #2:"I see, well then-"

Before the second higher up could finish her sentence, they all suddenly get emergency transmissions regarding something horrifying. When they all checked the transmission, it read,

"Sightings have been reported that the scientist toilet is still alive, and that it has made its way back to the skibidi toilets base, be advised, another note, there seem to be multiple G-Man toilets spotted as well, caution is advised"




Silence filled the room, not a word was spoken after they read the transmission, but they were all deeply infuriated at the news, because just when they thought they could have an advantage over their enemy, they yet again, surprise them with even worse things to deal with now.

Higher up #3: -sighs- "well that certainly puts a dent in things"

Higher up #2:"indeed, we may have to rethink some parts of the plan for this to work now"

Higher up #1:"we won't have enough time to do that"

Higher up #2:"well we can't just stick with the original plan now that we know the scientist toilet is still alive, that's too much of a risk, especially with some of our greatest agents being out there, we have no idea what thing has planned next"

Higher up #1:"but we can't plan anything in that short amount of time, and if we wait longer to devise a new one, WE may be the ones getting attacked"

Higher up #2:"well we need to do something instead of just sitting like ducks"

Higher up #1:"we don't need to be reckless, you know how far that's gotten us"

Higher up #2:"well I'm tired of just sitting around while those.....THINGS keep on getting the advance on us"

Higher up #1:"I hate to break it to you, but that's the only thing we can do right now"

Higher up #2:"no, it's not-"

Higher up #3:"enough, we did not build this foundation of defense just for you two to act like children at a family reunion"

The two, although still fuming, nodded in agreement and returned their focus back to the main topic.

Higher up #1:"so, what are we gonna do about this?"

Higher up #3:"im not sure, maybe during a false attack we can-"

But then, out of nowhere, an acrylic looking portal formed in front of the three higher ups, putting them on alert and making them get up from their seats, on guard now as they didn't know what this was or who was gonna come from it. However, what they saw next, shocked them, a human male walked out of the portal, an actual human, this was surprising because humans were so rare to see nowadays, that they thought they may be extinct. Once they all got a good look at him, they saw that he had short, soft white hair, blue eyes, a short stature, wearing a blue business suit with dress shoes and pants, and holding a cane with a crystal at the end of it. The higher ups looked at the man as the portal closed with confusion,

Higher up 2:"who are you?"

???:"ah, so this must be the universe that she told me about"

Instead of answering her question, the stranger simply looked around for a bit in awe, which was quickly stopped when he looked at them.

???:"oh, my apologies, I haven't even introduced myself yet, my name is Percy Wilkins, at your service"

After learning the strangers name, the higher ups all looked at him with a suspicious look,

Higher up #2:"why are you here?"

Percy:"well, I know that your universe is having a little toilet problem, yes?"

Higher up #3:"how do you know about that?"

Percy:"oh well, I've been dealing with the same problem myself"

Percy then began pacing around the room with his cane in hand,

Percy:"that's why I've come here, to help you deal with this problem before it becomes too much for another universe to handle"

Higher up #1:"another universe? Are you saying you're from another universe?"

Percy:"that's correct, there are many universes in this multiverse, but I won't be getting into that, for now, all I want to ask is......will you let me help you?"

The higher ups all looked at each other for a moment, on the one hand, with the new revelation they just got, they could use the extra help, but at the same time, this guy just appeared out of nowhere, how could they trust him? Then again......they really didn't have any other choice.

Higher up #1:"we'll accept your help, on one condition"

Higher up #2:"if you try anything, even so much as scratch anyone here, we will not hesitate to use lethal force against you"

Percy:"all understood, I won't try anything, trust me, now then, gentlemen, and gentlewoman......."

Percy looked at all the higher ups and smiled a bit as he had a look of confidence on his face,

".....let's get to work"


A/N:there we go, another chapter finished, sickness really sucks when you're trying to make a chapter : (, but yknow, I managed to do it, so I hope y'all enjoy it!

Anyways, this is Hoocer, flying out.

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