The Meetup

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-timeskip a few months-

The war continued on, with victory fumbling each time, if one side got the advantage, then the other side would just adapt and take over, but then the other side would do the same thing, and it was the same cycle for a while, the alliance and the toilets were even a piece for losses and gains. Even with the speakermens help, it was still a hard fought battle.

However, there was a rumor going around between the alliance and the toilets that a rouge cameraman dressed as a cowboy was going around and picking off random groups of toilets left and right. The skibidi toilets were pissed off because they knew it was true, random groups of scout toilets were going missing recently, this especially pissed off the G-Man skibidi because one little cameraman was causing him so many casualties, he wanted to kill this cameraman himself, but they were having a hard time tracking the unknown cameraman, even with all the advancements and new toilet types that were coming out. He seemed to be like a ghost, some would even say, like a real outlaw.

Meanwhile, the alliance of the speakermen and cameramen were curious as to who this unknown camerman was, they tried to find out but they couldn't focus on it due to the war taking up most of their time and resources, so they just hoped that this cameraman wouldn't be a trouble for them, even with the new Titan speaker man now out on the battlefield, they were still unsure on how ruthless this unknown cowboy could be.

The scene cuts to a couple of speakermen and cameraman hanging out and chilling after a relaxing victory against the skibidi toilets, with a big speakermen sitting on a toilet reading a newspaper, but just as they were enjoying their victory, they suddenly heard.....


They all turned to see a single skibidi toilet was approaching them, however this one looked different, it had a new look and seemed to be imbued with new technology, more than likely curtsy of the G-Man toilet himself. As the toilet looked at them with a crooked smile and a twitching head, the big speakerman that was sitting on the toilet got up and began walking towards the toilet, which prompted it to start backing up. At first, they thought it was scared, but oh Ho how they were wrong.....

In what seemed like an instant, the toilet zoomed through the big speaker and head, taking it clean off, and as the other speakermen and cameramen watched in horror, the glitchy toilet zoomed off like the flash...... and then zoomed back, killing a speakerman, and another...... and then two at once, until there was only a cameraman and a camerawoman left, the camerawoman gave the cameraman one last look, she knew she was going to die, she had no way of escaping this fate, and then, she too, died from the speedy skibidi toilet.

Then, the cameraman watched as the giant copter speaker was destroyed before making a run for it, even though it would've been useless he had to at least try, but it was all in vain as the glitchy toilet quickly gained on him and sped up in front of him and quickly began speeding back towards him with the intent of destroying him. So, as the last cameraman watched his death slowly coming towards him, he began thinking on how dumb it was for them to be sitting around in the first place, then again, the skibidi toilets were full of surprises, and now, he was about to be like the rest of his comrades to, and as he saw the toilet get close to finishing him......

He heard a gunshot, a gunshot? But who would've shot? Did the Calvary arrive already? The cameraman was confused but then looked in front of him with shock, or at least, what he could express as shock from his camera lense, as he saw the glitch skibidi that was easily killing all of his comrades and almost him too, with a gaping hole through its head and toilet funnily enough. Whatever caliber of bullet that hit the toilet, must've been a strong bullet if it could Pierce the skin and toilet of a skibidi toilet. After seeing the toilet collapse to the concrete dead in front of him, he looked around to see who had shot the toilet, even though the person saved him, he still didn't know if they were friend or foe. Then he heard a noise and looked up to see......another cameraman? Said cameraman jumped off the building he was on and landed a few feet from the other cameraman, then he got a good look at him.

The cameraman who saved him had a brown leather coat on (not like brown coat cameraman's coat), a black pair of pants, some boots with those spinners things on the back (don't know what they're called), a holster, and a cowboy hat. He then realized that the cameraman that was standing in front of him was the one from the rumors, the outfit fit the description, and the fact that he was able to notice the glitchy toilet when no one else could even comprehend its movements, it was definitely him. The cowboy cameraman stood up and turned to the lone cameraman before beginning to walk towards him, his boots blinging with each step, and as he got closer, the lone cameraman could see that his camera head also had a weird tint to it, almost like it was covered in dust but he knew it wasn't dust at all.

Once the cowboy was standing right in front of him, he offered a handshake, to which he accepted, then the cameraman gave him a thumbs up to thank him for saving him, to which the cowboy cameraman responded by tipping his hat, and the other cameraman had to admit, this guy definitely looked a bit silly, but he didn't care about that at the moment, I mean, if it weren't for his fast hand, he would've definitely been dead by now. Before he could question the cowboy cameraman, they both heard a camera copter coming to the location, the other cameraman looked up to see that it wasn't far. But then, when he looked back to where the cowboy was, he saw that he was gone, along with the corpse of the glitchy skibidi toilet, and as the camera copter landed, he wondered.......

How the hell was he gonna get anyone to believe what he just saw?


A/N:holy shit bois over 1,000 words let's fucking go, so, how did you like the chapter? Did you think it was good? Or could it have used something that I was missing? Let me know in the comments below

P.S, if you're wondering why I spaced out the texts, it was so reading this chapter wouldn't be an eye sore or a pain

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