Chapter 21, Heartbeat

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Ember POV~

After the cleanup, we closed the shop up extra late. I tried asking to join him on his way home. Alastor turned me down without a second thought, much to my dismay. When I pushed— trying to get an answer why, willing to even hear a simple excuse as to why not— 'Not tonight, or I'm tired, or have to ask his roommate if he has one.' Anything would have sufficed really, but nonetheless I got no reasoning.

To my disappointment— however, all he did was run off. Completely avoiding me once again. Fine then. Bettina's ivy path was ready to use if I so chose.

Figuring I could just follow him after we close the shop today. As the shop is closed on Sundays, following through today seems to be the best time. Giving me, if anything, a day to mull over the catastrophe that's ahead.

The chariot, the star, and the empress were all in my reading. I should have no fears.

Throughout the day, I kept to my usual routine. Still trying to have the occasional small talk with Alastor. His avoidance felt forced— like a thousand thorn pricks to my heart.
Those brown eyes read like a book, contemplative and remorseful, perhaps there was a good reason. Why is this so hard?! The guilt, the disgust for myself. Those vines tighten around my ribcage, squeezing without mercy.

A growing shadowy cloud grew over my head. My thoughts filled with hateful whispers, spiteful murmurs, venomous doubt seeped through my mind. Does he hate me?

Gently slapping each cheek with each hand. Shoving these thoughts of shadowing doom and gloom into a box. Locking it away to throw into the farthest corner of my mind. I can't afford to let these emotions and dark thoughts run rampant right now.

Not right now. I can't let them get to me now.

Soon enough the work day grew to an end. I watched as everyone left— heading out for the weekend. Waving them each off with a smile, hoping it reached my eyes. Praying to whomever— to hear me and look over me. Freyja, Bastet. Alastor being the last to leave made it harder.

Almost catching on, Alastor seemed to hesitate when I told him I was going to stay late to sage cleanse the shop. Narrowing his eyes with suspicion. He accepted my truth as I began lighting the sage. Door bells jingle signaling his departure. Finally I waited— passing the time with a quick smudge. I wasn't fully lying, but the guilt in my gut festered all the same.

'Into this smoke,
I release all negative energies that do not serve me or mine.
All fear, all disparities surrounding me— limiting me.
Be gone, be banished.'

Breathing in the smoke, allowing it to fill my lungs. Calming my nerves, willing the fire of my soul. Casting a hiding spell for my scent. Locking the front door behind me. Catching the start of ivy growing up the side of my shop. I hope Bettina doesn't ruin my walls with her overgrowth.

Pressing on, I wanted to know more. No. I needed to know more about the strange man I met in that back alley. If I am to follow the witches' spark to Gaia's chosen mate for me— there were more I selfishly needed.

Tracking along the bright leaves of the ivy. Turning corner, after corner. Following closely to not wander astray. Running through the back streets of downtown. Littered alleyways with unimaginable human filth. The earth— it was fighting back to retake this small corner of town. Her plants break through concrete barriers with new life the further I walk. Growing, retaking— mother Gaia— you and your daughters are still fighting.

Being lost in my own world, I was stopped short— bumping into a rusting chain link fence. Following the lush ivy growth up and over— twisting and cooling around the wired links My gaze shifted and trailed up the blocked path beyond, met with an abandoned building. How strange. It's broken walls, cracked and beaten, forgotten by the people of this town.

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