Part 2

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By the afternoon the women had carried all the firewood inside

Since this town was very small, everyone knew each other and they would ask each other for help in times of need without hesitation.

A few days later, taking advantage of the slightly better weather, the children asked their mother to take the pigs out for a walk.

"Don't go too far and be home before evening," she told the children.

and Hanna sent Chicella to keep the children company

Meanwhile, Karstla's mother, Mrs. Kaishla, was inside trying to get the stranger to drink the soup she had made

The soldier refused to drink
Ms. Kaishla:

"Come on, drink it now, drink it so you can regain your strength."

But she managed to get him to drink.

The men had returned home from another hunt.

Karstla called
"did he eat?"

Ms. Kaishla:
"Yes, I was able to get him to eat a little bit of the soup.
He's so thin he's barely eaten a few bites since he got here."

Her Son Karstla:
"oh mommy, when I was little and I didn't have an appetite, you forced me to eat and made up stories about how if I didn't eat I'd turn into a werewolf from hunger and you'd make me eat the food"

His mother smiled

"I was young then, I could do anything
I used to take care of you and take care of the house.
those were the good days"

After everyone came home, they got into a conversation

The children were leading the pigs down the opposite hill to the house and Chicella could be heard shouting at the children.
She would get angry and shout at the pigs for chasing them too fast.

The soldier was staring at the ceiling with his eyes open
"hey how are you today?"

The stranger looked into his eyes and said nothing


"I don't know where you came from, you must have come a long way, you probably don't understand anything I say"

Indeed, the stranger did not understand anything he said

"Well, I won't bother you any more"
he said, and went to chop the wood.

Hanna went out to meet the children
"how was your day?"

"it sucks, these brats don't even listen to me, they've been chasing pigs all day long and they've done nothing but annoy me"

Hanna laughed
She let the pigs in

That evening Mrs. Kaishla had made a dessert

The children Somu and Kemsens couldn't wait to grab the cake from their grandmother

"these cookies smell so good, grandma"

Their grandmother prepared one for each of them

Lezla was eating the cookies and looking curiously at the guard

... maybe a word, a sentence would come out of his mouth

But the guard did not speak as usual

That evening everyone was gathered together, telling each other fairy tales, laughing and having fun.
The soldier was just watching the window

"what a quiet one he turned out to be.
He's so stubborn, not a word has come out of his mouth so far"

Mr. Karstla
"it's hard to guess what's going through his mind"

Hanna asked Chicella if he had eaten today

"he only ate a few pieces of vegetables"

The soldier continued not to speak to any of them, no matter what

Everyone in the house wanted to hear a word from him so badly.

The family wondered who this stranger really was
But they had given up hope

The children tried to talk to him several times, but he did not respond at all

All he did was eat a little bit of the food brought to him or stare blankly at the window.
He put his head under the pillow when the children made too much noise.

Mrs. Kaishla had a small workshop belonging to her husband.

The location was right next to the well on the left side of the house

In this workshop many years ago Mrs. Moradin used to take care of her own daily work
There, he used to do labor-intensive work like chairs and tables.
But Mr. Moradin hasn't used it for the last few years because he's getting old.

The family sometimes uses it for storage
Sometimes when Mr. Moradi's wife Kaishla gets bored, she takes her knitting tools and goes there.
She tried to pass the time, sewing dresses for her sons and grandchildren and skirts and shawls for her daughters.

At that time she was sewing something again and it was almost finished.

Chicella was with her today

"It's beautiful, Grandma. I think he'll be happy to see this dress you made for him"

Mrs. Kaishla had made a dress for her Guest
And when the dress was finished;

"Chichi, take this and give it to him to wear.
I'm sure it will suit him"

Chicella said yes and took the dress to the soldier, happy and excited at the same time.

Chicella was a little shy of this stranger and a little curious about him.

"Here, look, my grandmother made you a dress
How do you like it? Do you like it?"

The stranger looked up from his bed
He didn't react at all


"what? You don't like it?"

Although Chicella resisted speaking
The soldier ignored her and turned his head to look at the window again.

he didn't seem to be interested in the dress Mrs. Kaishla made for him.

Chicella was very angry with the stranger;

"You don't like anything
You could at least say thank you
I don't know how long you can keep this silence"

Hanging the dress on the hanger, she left the house in anger and closed the door.

Chicella was a beautiful and lovely girl
He had a tall and thin body.
She had freckles on her face, on her nose and forehead.
With her blonde hair, just like a princess.
She wore a green dress with a floral print that made her almost charming.
But besides this charming appearance, she also had a fierce and angry personality.

She takes care of most of the household chores, second only to her mother.
Her mother and sister-in-law always entrusted her to take care of her siblings.

She could do everything
Sometimes in very cold weather when the water freezes, she and her  mother would carry the ice into the house and melt it to get water.

She loved to draw.
Most of the walls in the house were covered by children
Their mother would get very angry with the children about this
And they would think that Chicella was to blame for this and they would get angry with Chicella.
Because the children were always drawing on the walls, influenced by Chicella's drawing.
Chicella was also rebellious, so when their mothers got angry with her, she would yell at them, I'm not telling them to go and draw on the walls! She yells back

Chicella was also an emotional person, albeit a fierce one.
When her parents yelled at her, she would retreat to her room and cry quietly
But her family loved her very much, even though she had a temper.

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