part 4 (new life in a new place)

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Two months had passed since the occupation of their village

The family had taken refuge a few hundred kilometers from their village

In fact, it wasn't only Mr. Karstla's family who moved there
Families who had saved themselves from the soldiers of Zabhara had decided to settle there

There were about 10-20 families in that area
The place where they took shelter was on top of a high hill
Just below them was the Canyon
Opposite them were mountainous areas with hills and a small waterfall in the middle of the hill.
Each family set up their own tents and lived there for a while.

Each family set up their own tents and lived there for a while.
After that, they slowly started to improve the place where they lived, now they lived in wooden houses instead of tents.

Most had repopulated their livestock
The Rothman family had a few ducks, a pig and an ox to pull the plow in the fields.

Other animals perished in their old house
But now this is their new home
Literally, all the families built a new small village as one.
Over time, butchers, harvest warehouses, fruit and vegetable shops, etc.
opened up in this small new village to meet people's needs.

The villagers had to move out of their old houses, so they planted new fields and gardens near their current homes.
So they had a bountiful harvest at harvest time.

Mr. Karstla was in the field with his family and a guest (soldier) whose name he did not know
Mr. Karstla hoeing the soil:
"you risked your life for us that day
You fought them without fear and saved us..
If you hadn't come that day and saved us
Maybe right now..
Maybe we'd all be dead by now"

Hanna joined her husband:

"We can't thank you enough for that.
we owe you our lives"

The soldier continued hoeing without saying anything

Celebrations were held every evening in the village
This celebration usually involved drinking

After the villagers finished their work in the morning, in the evening they would celebrate by the fire to relieve the tiredness of the day and to relieve stress.

Everyone was laughing and having fun

Mr. Karstla and the guest were sitting next to each other
Karstla sipped his drink:

"you're helping us a lot
Thanks to you, our work in the field is over in a very short time..
Harvest time is approaching and I am sure we will have a bumper crop this year."
said to the stranger

After a pause:

"hey, you never told us your name
I don't know who are you or where you came from"
Do you have a name? Mr. Karstla asked the stranger

The stranger was silent
Mr. Karstla realized that he was not going to get an answer from him and sipped his drink..

And after a moment of silence, the stranger  spells something:

Ha ra...

Karstla looks puzzled


Is that your name?

The stranger went silent again..

He had finally learned his name
But actually his name was Herdaymen, he just misremembered his name Because he lost his memory in the war

Karstla called out to Hannah and the others

The Family ran with curiosity and tried to understand what had happened

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