Part 3 (Falledria is occupied)

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So it had been a month since the foreigner had arrived

Winter was completely over
It was a sunny spring morning
The air echoed with the chirping of birds

The whole family was having a picnic outside
Children were running around

The soldier (Herdaymen) was inside, he had just woken up
His wounds had completely healed and his health was restored

Chicella came in
She said, embarrassed:
"you're awake..
We have breakfast outside"

After saying this, she went to get the bowls she forgot inside from the next room.

She was looking at the stranger While taking the plates and Bowls from the next room
To be honest, she was attracted to the foreigner

The soldier (Herdaymen) was tall and broad-shouldered with brown hair and blue eyes
And that made him a very handsome man

Chicella left the room

Herdaymen stood up
Yes, it was the first time he got out of bed in a long time.

when he was on the bed, he would limp to the bathroom just to go to the toilet.
But now he feels better

He looked out the window and the family was outside
He was the only one inside

he looked at the dress on the hanger that Mrs. Kaishla had knitted for him
He put it on and went out

He squinted as he went outside because he had not been out in the bright sun for a long time.

He looked at the family, paused for a moment, and then walked over to where they were
The family was having dinner under a tree

Ms. Vatsleha saw him coming and signaled to the others and everyone saw the soldier standing and coming towards them.

Mr. Karstla
-can't be! You're standing up!
Everyone was staring at him, dumbfounded

The soldier, on the other hand, did not care about any of them and dived into the meal as soon as he sat down at the table.
He ate like a hungry wolf, he had a huge appetite

He hadn't eaten like this in a long time
He ate almost everything on the table

After a while Everyone laughed at this situation


The children were playing in the garden and their grandmother Kaishla was watching them in front of the house

Only Chicella, Kaishla and the children were left at home

Chicella was getting ready to go out to wash the clothes

They used to wash their clothes in the lake in summer

"I'm going to the lake, grandma"


"Okay, honey
I'll take care of the kids"
She was knitting at the same time on the wooden chair.

Chicella went down through the plains, over the hills and reached the lake a few hundred meters below
The lake is very shallow, so people from the village can easily come here and wash their clothes.

Coincidentally, the soldier was there at the time.
He was under a tree by the lake, watching the lake

Chicella put the clothes basket on the floor
"Isn't the weather beautiful?"

There was no answer

"I used to come to this lake with my parents most of the time...
But since last year I've been coming alone.
I like the weather here
It gives me peace"

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