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"See that chick right there? In the skirt?" I tip the glass to the side, the colorful red of the drink following my movements as the ice clinked against the cup.

"The fucking tease? Yeah, I see her." I'm half asleep and wasted, another one of the drinking games hosted at the after parties getting to me. Margot is passed out next to me, snoring as I watch her bag. Not that I could stay awake for any longer, that is.

"Always shows up on nights where Slater's fighting. Think they're together?" I rest my knuckles against my cheek. Which bitch are they talking about now? Coming to Slater's fights?

"That slut? Never. Bet he fucks her like a rag doll and kicks her out. Lucky him, those legs are killer. " I try to wake Margot up, but my hand falls short an inch. The voices get closer.

"You think he shares? Doesn't matter, he won't find out--" A hand is placed on my chair, and the voices stop.

"Don't fucking touch her." I turn my head, barely staying awake as I catch sight of two strangers and Leon, resting his arm against the back of my chair, blocking them off.

"We know her, buddy, no need to get all aggressive—" One of them says, a sleazy grin rising to his face as he waved at me. A small giggle rises to the surface as Margot snorts in her sleep.

"We'll make sure she gets home safe. Thanks for looking after her." One of them reaches for me and Leon rises to his feet, glaring at the two. I can see his shoulders tense, just as his hands curl into fists. They back away, goosebumps even rising to my arms. "We're not looking for trouble—"

"That's too bad, then." Leon sends the first man flying with a heavy blow to the face, bare knuckles colliding with his jaw. There's a sick crunch and shouting as he barrels into a table, the other guy swinging at Leon. He stops it with his forearm, slamming his elbow down onto the man's shoulder with a crack. He screams, dropping onto a knee and clutching his shoulder. People all around the bar scatter out of their seats, watching the brawl.

Margot wakes up and her lipstick is smudged. "Another... fight?" She yawns and I do a half giggle, just as I tip over my drink on accident. It falls forward, just as security breaks them apart. I look back. Leon is heaving hard breaths, anger bright in his eyes. His knuckles are bleeding and a bruise is already forming against his cheek. That was going to be a black eye for sure.

The other two were on the floor, bloody and groaning as they sat up. "What the hell happened?" One of the officers said, glancing around at the damage. We do too. Then, we look at each other.

Margot sniffles. And bawls, loud enough to wake me up. My eyes snap open and I watch her in bewilderment. The crowd forming looks our way just as she points a finger toward the two on the floor. "They were so mean!" Tears rush to my eyes as she hugs me.

I start sobbing, throwing my arms around her. "I know! They were talking about a girl in a skirt!" I wailed, a flurry of tears, alcohol, and pointing. The officers let Leon go, before picking up the men on the floor.

"He saved us, Ro!" Margot lets go of me, stumbling off of her seat and swaying her way over to the guard. "A hero, a—" She hiccups before another waterfall of tears comes out. He stared down at her before rolling his eyes.

"I told you not to drink so much." He grumbled, grabbing her arm when she swayed. "I'm going to tell Aunt Grace you've been acting like a drunk." Ro presses down on the Walkie-Talkie, before stating in a stern voice. "Bar fight, two males. In custody, they'll be at the lobby in a few." Handcuffs snapped onto the two, just as Margot turned and winked at me.

I wipe my eyes and give her a big thumbs-up. The crowd begins to break away, following the officers away. My eyes grew heavy and I pitched forward, barely catching myself. Leon glances toward me, before grabbing a paper towel and patting gently on my skirt. "I don't think it'll stain, Nova, but you can't be sure." I look down, tracing the bloody hands to the owner.

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