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"You guys what?" Ja'Marr shook his head in disbelief that his two best friends found their way to bed together.

"Marr it just happened okay, I don't even know what it means." I groaned running a hand through my hair.

"It means if he makes you sad I'm gonna have to fight him. Ryli I don't wanna have to fight Joe, he's probably gonna win." Ja'Marr said laughing slightly.

"Ja'Marr I honestly doubt it meant anything, me and Joe have seen each other like 5 times in total." I shrugged.

It was a couple days after everything happened between Joe and I. I decided I wanted to talk to Ja'Marr about it and that's how we ended up where we were now. I knew Ja'Marr wouldn't judge me for sleeping with his quarterback, and he only slightly gagged at the information.

"I think I am mostly disgusted you guys did it with Blake and I right next door." Ja'Marr shuddered. 

"I'm sorry." I stuck out my bottom lip towards him. 

"Apology excepted, however you owe me a game on Madden." Ja'Marr looked at me seriously. 

"Okay fine, you got it." I laughed at my friend. We played Madden together on Ja'Marr's xbox when we weren't getting wrecked by homework. 

We hung out for a while later, before I became sleepy and Ja'Marr decided it would be best for him to head to his room. I gave him a hug before pulling myself to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. 

Honestly, I was a little butt hurt that Joe and I hadn't talked since he left Friday night. Not that we were supposed to be anything but I kind of figured he would have at least texted me. Ja'Marr has a theory though that Joe and Nick would be doing some extra drills at practice for fighting at the banquet. To which I felt bad that he was getting punished over me.


"Joe you had better pull your head out of your ass if you want to keep proving people wrong. Don't go around fighting your teammates, the NFL scouts aren't going to like that." Coach sighed as I sat across from him at his desk. 

"Coach, Nick was being an asshole and spreading rumors and starting shit with someone I know." I said shaking my head. 

"I understand Joe, that's why I fought off you and him getting suspended for 3 games. I told the higher ups that we would run extensive drills and that there would be no more problems between the two of you." 

"Thanks." I mumbled, I was glad he got us out of sitting 3 games out. 

"No problem Joe, however it's game time. No more fights, honestly Joe leave relationships behind right now. There will be plenty of women at your feet when you get drafted. Don't fuck up your future over a college relationship." Coach shrugged, I bit my lip nodding at what he was saying. Maybe he was right. 


"Keep running boys." Coach yelled at Nick and I, we were running up and down the field. He called us in yesterday morning to talk to us about what happened. Then he began on how he was disappointed in both of us for hashing this out in front of people at a banquet. It had become a huge topic at school already and I was sick of hearing it. 

After running drills back and forth 10 times each, we called it for the day. "This is all your fault." Nick grumbled as we grabbed our waterbottles and said bye to coach. 

"Maybe if you weren't such an asshole this wouldn't be a problem." I spit back, Nick wasn't going to put this shit on me. He was in the wrong.

"How's that pretty girl doing? Slept with her yet Burrow?" Nick narrowed his eyes at me with a smirk on his face, I know he was trying to get me to snap so I would get benched. 

"Nick, mind your fucking business." I gritted my teeth. 

"I'm taking that as a yes you have fucked her." Nick stayed put with that stupid smirk on his face still plastered all over.

"Nick..." I warned, I couldn't lose my temper right now. This whole situation needed to blow over and fast. 

"Better watch your back Burrow." Nick taunted as he walked away. I wanted to punch that idiot in the face all over again but he wasn't worth risking getting drafted. 

I huffed annoyed at the interaction as I rounded the corner to throw my stuff into my locker. Some teammates were around after working out and I said hi before grabbing my stuff to leave. I walked through the campus as it seemed quite busy today. As I rounded the corner I bumped into someone, I stepped back looking at the blonde girl.

"Miss me Burrow?" Ryli smirked, I was so glad it was her I ran into. It was almost instantly that I saw her that I felt myself become excited. 

"You have no idea." I bit my lip. Her cheeks turned a different shade of pink as I thought of my talk with coach this morning. 

I leaned into her ear and whispered, "follow me." Ryli looked at me with confusion in her eyes but nodded agreeing. 

I swiftly led her to the locker rooms where I checked to see if anyone was around, there was no one. It was quiet and I pulled her to near my locker before I backed her up against the wall, "can I kiss you?" I whispered looking into her blue eyes. She nodded blushing so I cupped her face in my hands and pressed my lips to hers.

We kissed hungrily for a minute before pulling away to catch our breath, she ran her fingertips across my arm muscles as I took a shaky breath. I pushed her hair out of the way as I placed soft kisses on her neck.

"Joe..." She quietly moaned. Immediately I felt my dick twitch in my pants, I needed her. 

"Is this okay?" I murmured against her skin. 

"More than okay." She said as her head was tilted back with her eyes closed. 

I placed my hand under her shirt as I felt her boobs through her bra. She had an amazing body and I was lucky enough to be able to pleasure her. 

"Joe, let me..." Ryli said suddenly, she got to her knees and undid the tie on my sweats. She pulled them down enough to pull my dick out. Before I could say anything she placed her lips around me as she moved in a pattern. I let this continue for several minutes.

"Baby, that feels so good but I need you right now." I whispered as she stood back up and had a mischievous look in her eye. 

I pulled a condom out of my bag and quickly got it placed on right, and then I picked Ryli up as she wrapped her legs around my waist. I slid inside of her perfectly, as she let out a groan in my ear while I was doing so. 

"Does that feel okay?" I whispered to which she nodded to as she bit her lip. 

I continued to thrust into her as our quiet moans mixed together, our lips finding each others and finding a passionate rhythm. 

"Joe you're gonna make me cum." She stuttered several minutes in, I couldn't help but smirk. I love having that effect on her. 

"Fuck, I'm right behind you baby girl." I moaned out. I felt her tense up and then release as I shortly did after. 

We quickly got situated and made sure it didn't look like we just fucked in the locker room and then made our way out. I can't believe we just did that. 

"So um, do you want to go get lunch?" I turned to her smiling. 

"Sure Joe, I would love to." She smiled. 

Man today turned out to be a good day. 


Guys!! They hooked up again!! How we feeling?

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