Chapter 5: The Nation of Wind

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"Wow... What a view huh?"

They stood atop the high ground after spending several minutes of climbing up the path that they found nearby. And once they reached the top, a clear view of the nation of Mondstadt is being presented right before them.

Mountains and hills placed by the side, creating a frame for the picture of a green plains and forest surrounding a large blue like that shines brightly under the sun's gaze, and stood right in the middle of the said lake, is a city surrounded by large tall stone walls, with windmills poking out from the top of the walls spinning it's fans along with the breeze of the winds.

"So this is Mondstadt..." Lumine couldn't help but muttered out upon taking on the view. "And that must be the city."

"Yep, that is the city of Mondstadt right there, the city of bards and winds they say. It looks pretty amazing right?" Paimon replied to her, smiling light as she explained on what she knows about this nation.

Lumine has to agree, this whole scenery alone is already amazing for some reasons, it felt so relaxing, so... Peaceful. It's as if a cool breeze just blew past her that put out the heat in her body. A breath of fresh air to begin this long journey of hers.

"Gotta agree with you there." The voice of a certain deceased princess interrupted the calmness she felt in her mind, and Lumine find herself mentally frowning by the unwanted interruption. "This place's pretty good if I have to say so myself. It feels a little pleasant to see it still in one piece."

"What exactly do you mean by that?" Traveler Lumine asked, curious about the statement of "still in one piece" part.

"The last time I was here, Mondstadt is nothing but a ghost town." Abyss Lumine answered, her voice is devoid of remorse nor regret, speaking like she's stating some normal facts that everybody should know. "The stone walls would've been broken down to the ground, and the entire city is reduced to ruins devoid of life."

Traveler Lumine paused for a while when a guess pops out in her mind. "Is it... Because of the war?"

The voice inside her head hmph'ed at her question, as if feeling some sort of amusement from it.

"Welp, you can blame the nation for being too weak, or that excuse of a god who "leads" it."

"Heellooo! Paimon to Traveler! Please respond!"

The conversation inside her mind ended when Lumine hears the voice of Paimon, the fairy floats right in front of her face, swinging her hands before her eyes to snap her out of her daze, which she successfully did.

"Ah, sorry there Paimon, what were you saying?" Lumine shook her head to snap her out of her daze, focusing back to the matter at hand.

Paimon looks pretty annoyed for having to repeat herself, but she's still do it nonetheless.

"Paimon said, look down that take a look at that thing."

The white haired fairy pointed her tiny finger towards what lies below the cliff they're standing on, not too far away, there's a small lake placed in the middle of the small plain, and placed in the middle of that lake, is a small island where a tall structure made out of stone is erected. It kind of looks like a monument of sorts, or maybe just a statue to honor someone.

"That's a Statue of The Seven!" Paimon explained the tall stone structure in the distance. "There are a few of these statues scattered across the land to show The Seven's protection over the world. And among the seven gods, this god controls the wind."

"The wind... Is that one of the seven elements in this world? What do you call it again? A-ne-mo?" Lumine asked in curiosity.

"Uhuh, Anemo is the element that controls the wind." The little fairy nodded, putting both hands behind her back as she continued. "Paimon's not sure whether the god you're looking for is the Anemo God, but... Paimon'll take you to the Anemo God's place first, and there's a reason why~" Lumine simply nodded at her words.

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