Chapter 2: Inside Out

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Somewhere else unknown...


A figure emerges from the depths of water. It's slim figure stood up elegantly akin to a flower blooming in the time of spring. Droplets of water drips down from it's body who has smooth white milky skin, as well as from the short light golden hair on it's head.

Taking a deep breath, the figure release a relieved sigh, before slowly opening her eyes. Allowing for the sun to shed some of it's light to it's golden eyes.

"Well... Looks like I'm back to the real world..."

The figure, a girl with short blonde hair and a pair of golden eyes, softly spoke up, as she glanced around her surroundings to confirm her thoughts.

"Well... Now I can understand why we were placed in such perverted conditions inside your mind. So you're taking a bath to begin with."

The blonde haired girl gasps, almost tripping over her own feet at the sudden appearance of a voice inside her head.

"W-what? How are you...?"

"I have to say, this is much better than being inside your subconsciousness. It feels as if I am back being alive, back in my body. Though I'd still prefer if I could wiggle a finger or two."

The blonde haired girl looks around for a moment, as if trying to find something, but when she couldn't find anything she's looking for, she turned her attention to the voice in her head instead.

"How are you talking to me right now? I don't see you anywhere."

"Well that's because I am in your mind, silly. Or to be accurate, your mindscape. It's really weird you know, you should've come and see it. It was like there's a corridor here, with two rooms at each of its ends. I'm currently sitting inside mine, while your room is at the other end."

The blonde haired girl sighed at this, listening to the voice in her head, she's starting to worry about the possibility of her other self trying to do anything funny in there.

"I can hear that you know." The voice spoke up, causing the girl on the outside to jerk a little.

"Stop reading my mind!" The blonde haired girl yelled... To herself. "How are you doing that anyway?"

"I am currently standing in the corridor. Unlike my room, your room is a doorless one. Things such as what you see, what you heard, what you say, or your inner thoughts, I can feel them all as if they were my own."

"Well that's... Horrifying." The girl on the outside trembled slightly. "If you can gain access to outside information that easily, does that mean you can... Take control?" She ask a bit hesitantly.

"Hmm... I'm not so sure. I am probably able to access the information stored in your brain by entering your room, but I'm not sure if I can do much more such as taking control of your body. I PROBABLY can if I try, but you wouldn't like that, wouldn't you?"

"Yeah you're right. I would never be able to sleep knowing if someone would take over my body while I was out." The blonde haired girl muttered with a hint of discomfort in her voice.

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