Chapter 17

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Sebastian was in his study, trying to focus on his legal cases, when he felt a strange restlessness overtake him. He couldn't shake the memory of Louise's face, the way she had looked at him with such a mix of fear and longing. He knew he should respect her position and distance himself, but the more he tried, the more he found himself drawn to her.

A knock disrupted Sebastian's focus. "Enter," he called, eyes fixed on his work. The door opened, revealing Lady Cordelia. She strode in, filled with enthusiasm. "We simply must discuss Miss Louise!" she exclaimed, shutting the door behind her.

At the governess's name, Sebastian's gaze instinctively rose. Lady Cordelia settled opposite her son, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "Well? Your thoughts?" she prompted eagerly.

"My thoughts on what, Mother?" Though his face revealed nothing, his pulse had quickened at the mention of Louise's name.

"Why, on dear Louise! A beauty, inside and out, don't you agree?" Lady Cordelia smiled coyly, arching her eyebrow. "It's clear she holds your attention, my dear boy. Perhaps you should consider... encouraging her affections. It would be a most advantageous match, don't you think?" She leaned forward, her expression turning calculating. "With her dowry, she could be a most suitable bride for you."

Sebastian bristled. "I'll remind you, I've no intention to remarry." How often must he repeat himself? It seemed his mother would never take no for an answer when it came to the idea of him wedding someone else.

"Yet I've seen the fondness in your eyes when you look at her..." Lady Cordelia trailed off meaningfully. "And she is so appreciative of your kindness. I am sure she would make you a devoted wife. Not to mention, the connection between you... It's quite palpable, don't you think?"

"You are gravely mistaken, Mother," Sebastian retorted, trying to contain his exasperation.

"Yet, I caught you two in a compromising position just moments ago," Lady Cordelia continued, her eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "Perhaps you should consider the possibility that there may be something more between you."

"Mother, please not raise this topic again." Sebastian said through gritted teeth, hoping that this would be the end of the discussion. But Lady Cordelia only laughed lightly, sensing his facade of reluctance was cracking. "You cannot deny what we both saw," she teased.

Excusing herself silently, Lady Cordelia left the room, plans still churned in her mind. Her son may deny it, but she was no fool...she knew the signs of a man entranced. And there was no mistaking the look in his eyes when he gazed at Louise. If he was not going to make the first move, she would assist him in doing so. She would arrange for another opportunity for them to be alone together, create situations where their bodies brushed against one another, where their breath mingled. It was only a matter of time before the spark between them ignited into a flame.

Alone again, Sebastian considered his mother's words. He couldn't deny the truth in what she had said. The pull he felt towards Louise was undeniable. He found himself fantasizing about what it would be like to kiss her, to feel her soft skin against his own. He knew he should keep his distance, but the more he tried, the more he felt himself drawn to her.

Her grace and intellect had captured his curiosity...but to act on impulse could prove catastrophic. His marriage to Juliette had taught him such passions bred only misery...

The following morning, Louise sat in her room, engrossed in the lesson plans for Katherine, when a hesitant knock echoed through the door. She rose to answer it, finding Lady Cordelia standing outside, her usually composed expression marred by evident concern.

"Louise, my dear, I need your assistance," Lady Cordelia said, her voice low and urgent. Louise furrowed her brow, a mixture of curiosity and apprehension crossing her features.

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