Chapter 23

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"Yes, Lady Marianne?" Louise asked politely, though she felt a growing sense of unease. She knew that whatever was about to come next was likely to be unpleasant.

Lady Marianne stepped closer, eyes blazing. "I am warning you, Miss Louise. Stay away from Mr. Warrington. He is my husband-to-be, and I will not have you interfering with that." Her voice dripped with venom.

Louise was taken aback. "Pardon me, my lady, but I am not sure what you mean." Her expression was calm, but she was carefully considering her words. "I've only ever sought to be of assistance to Lord Warrington and his daughter. I've done nothing to interfere with your relationship."

"Don't play coy with me!" Lady Marianne snapped. "I've seen the way you look at him, how you try to seduce him with your eyes and your words. Do you think you can take his heart from me? Well, you cannot!" Her voice rose to a shrill pitch, drawing the attention of servants and guests alike. "You're nothing but a commoner, a mere governess! You have no place in my husband's life!"

"Once we are wed, you'll need to find a new position, because you won't be welcome here any longer." Lady Marianne's words were like a slap in the face.

If that is what you wish, Lady Marianne, then of course I will take my leave. Now if you'll excuse me." She gave a short curtsy before turning swiftly away. Her heart was heavy, but she refused to show any further emotion. As she walked back towards the manor, she forced herself not to think about Lord Warrington, Katherine, or Lady Marianne. She had served the family well, but it seemed her time was at an end.

Safely back in her room, Louise finally unleashed the tears she had been holding back. Though she tried to deny it, her heart yearned for Sebastian in a way she had never known. But it mattered not, for he would soon belong to Lady Marianne.

The next day as Louise walked through the manor, she couldn't help but feel a sense of loss. Her heart ached knowing that she would soon have to leave the Warrington family behind. As she continued walking, she heard a voice call out "Miss Louise! A word, please." She turned to see Lady Cordelia approaching and curtsied politely. "How may I help you, Lady Cordelia?" she asked, her voice steady despite the turmoil within her.

"Walk with me to the gardens, won't you dear?" Lady Cordelia linked her arm in Louise's and led her outside. The day was warm, the sun shining brightly in the sky. As they strolled along the manicured lawns, the scent of flowers filled the air.

As they strolled amongst the roses, Lady Cordelia turned to her. "Tell me truthfully Louise - do you care for my son?" she asked, her tone gentle but firm.

Louise's eyes widened in shock. "I-I am not sure what you mean, my lady." She stammered, trying to maintain her composure. "I have only ever sought to serve the Warrington family to the best of my abilities."

Lady Cordelia gave her a knowing look. "Come now, it's just us here. You can speak honestly. Do you love my son?" she asked, her tone still gentle but insistent. "I see the way you look at him, the way he looks at you."

Louise blushed deeply. "With all due respect, my lady, it is not my place to speak of such matters. Sebastian is to be married to another. My feelings do not matter." She looked down at her feet, her heart heavy with the knowledge that she would soon have to leave him behind.

"Do not deny what is in your heart!" Lady Cordelia cried passionately. "Why must you both be so stubborn?" She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself before continuing. "I see the love between you two! It's as plain as the nose on my face! You think you're protecting him, but you're only hurting him. And you, my dear, you think you're doing the right thing by staying silent, but you're only making things worse!"

"Lady Cordelia...Mr Warrington is to be wed to another, and I... I am nothing...but a penniless...orphan...that is of dark complexion..." Louise struggled to find the words, her gaze falling to the ground. "Am I the type of woman you would like your son to end up with? What future could we possibly have together?"

Lady Cordelia grasped her hands warmly. "Such things do not matter to me. It is the heart that matters, my dear. And I see that Sebastian's heart belongs to you. As for your own background, it is nothing but a small hindrance." she smiled softly. "I see how you love Katherine as your own. You have brought light into Katherine's and Sebastian's lives. And I for one, would be grateful if you could continue to do so."

Louise shook her head. "Even so, I will not be the obstacle in Lady Marianne's and Mr Warrington's understanding. It would not be right."

As a tear slipped down Louise's cheek, Lady Cordelia drew her into a comforting embrace. "My dear, love always finds a way. Have faith."

Though Louise wished she could believe it, her rational mind knew Lady Cordelia's optimism was misplaced. Some barriers were too high to be crossed, no matter the power of love. With a heavy heart, Louise allowed herself this moment of maternal affection, knowing it would be one of the last before she had to leave Sebastian behind.

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