Chapter 20

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In the depths of the night, a terrible dream haunted Louise. She saw Mary's lifeless body, cold and still, surrounded by chaos around her. Gasping for breath, she woke up, her heart racing. Tears streamed down her face as she clutched the bed sheets, her fists tight with fear and despair.

Louise stumbled out of bed her heart pounding. She wrapped a shawl around her shoulder and made her way out of her room. The moonlight cast a silvery glow over the house, making the corridors feel eerie and unfamiliar. The servants had long since retired to their quarters, leaving her alone with her thoughts.

Arriving at the garden door, Louise hesitantly pushed it open and stepped into the night. The cool air soothed her burning lungs, and the familiar scent of lavender filled her nostrils. The garden lay silent and still, the only sound the rustling leaves as a soft breeze danced through the trees. She moved along the path, her bare feet sinking into the dew-drenched grass, feeling an inexplicable pull towards a particular spot.

Then, a flicker of movement caught her eye.

Near the rosebushes, a figure stood motionless, observing her. As she drew closer, she could make out the figure's features: it was Sebastian. He appeared to be deep in thought, his expression distant and troubled. For a moment, they stood facing each other, neither speaking.

"Miss Louise...?" Sebastian's voice was barely a whisper, and it took her a moment to register that he was speaking to her.

"Mr... Warrington," Louise stammered, her voice barely audibles over the beating of her heart. Sebastian turned to face her. In the dim light, she could see the desire and need in his eyes, mirroring her own.

"I... couldn't.... sleep," Louise stammered, her voice barely audibles over the pounding of her heart. Sebastian's expression softened, and he took a step forward. She could feel his presence, his warmth, as he reached out to brush a stray hair from her cheek.

"No, I..." Sebastian paused, his gaze drifting over her features before returning to meet her eyes. "I could not sleep either," he confessed softly.

The admission hung in the air between them, a silent understanding. Louise reached out, her fingers curling around the fabric of his sleeve. "Is everything all right?" she whispered, her heart aching for him.

Sebastian hesitated, his gaze flickering away from her for a moment before returning. "I am fine...for the most part. It's just..." He paused, searching for the right words. "It's just that I have been thinking about my late wife..." He trailed off, his voice barely audible. "As you father is pushing me to marry Lady Marianne...I just do not want to jump into marriage considering how my last one ended."

Jealousy flared within Louise as she listened to him speak of his impending marriage with Lady Marianne. "May I ask how Katherine's mother passed? I am sure I've never heard the story," she ventured, her voice barely audible even to her own ears.

"Julliette passed during childbirth, and I was away visiting one of my firms in the country. I received word of her declining health, but I was too far to return in time. When I finally did, she had passed, and my daughter was left motherless. It was a terrible time for us all." Sebastian's voice was thick with emotion.

"She must have been a wonderful woman," Louise said softly, her heart aching for him.

"On the contrary, I wish I had never met her.," Sebastian confessed, his voice raw with emotion. "Juliette subjected me to years of emotional torment and repeated unfaithfulness within our marriage. I forgave her cruelty out of duty and in hopes she would change, but she never did..." His voice trailed off.

"Oh, my goodness! I had no idea," Louise whispered, in shock.

"You know initially I was unsure whether Katherine was my own flesh and blood, given Juliette's countless affairs behind my back. I had always wondered if perhaps I had fathered another child outside of our marriage. But, when I saw Katherine, she is the splitting image of me, I knew it was impossible. It was my duty to take care of her, and so I did." Sebastian paused, his voice cracking with emotion. "But, regardless of blood, she will always be my daughter. And I will do everything in my power to protect her from the pain that I have endured."

"I can only imagine the pain you must have felt," Louise whispered, her voice trembling. "You are an amazing father to Katherine, and she is lucky to have you."

"Thank you, Miss Louise," Sebastian replied, his voice still thick with emotion. He stared at Louise, his gaze intense, searching. She could feel the weight of his gaze, the pressure of it against her skin. She could feel her heart racing, her breath coming in short gasps.

"What about you...Miss Louise?" Sebastian's voice was barely audible, each syllable heavy with emotion. "Have you ever found love...or...happiness?" He took a step closer, his gaze never leaving hers.

"No... I have had a very difficult life..." Louise began, her voice barely above a whisper. "My mother died when I was twelve from an illness, and my father was a soldier, a naval officer. He had to leave for war just a few months after she passed. It was a terrible time for my family. My aunt and uncle took my sister Lucy and me in, was never the same."

"Why do you not live with your aunt and uncle still?" Sebastian asked, genuine curiosity lacing his voice.

"My aunt...she hated me because of my dark complexion...she always told me that my father was a disgrace for falling in love with a slave, and that I was a reminder of his weakness. Lucy, on the other hand, was treated like a princess...and she changes. She rejected me as her sister...she became cold and cruel, just like my aunt. When my uncle passed away, my aunt sent me away to a boarding school...and I haven't seen them since."

Sebastian's eyes widened in understanding as she spoke, his expression filled with pity and anger. "That is appalling," he said, his voice low and gruff. "No child should ever have to endure such cruelty."

He took another step closer, his gaze never leaving hers. "You are a survivor, Miss Louise. You have endured unimaginable pain and hardship, yet you have managed to find strength within yourself. You are resilient, and you are brave. You should be proud of who you are."

Louise felt her cheeks flush at his words. She did not know what to say. No one had ever spoken to her like that before. She felt like she was floating, weightless. "Thank you, Mr. Warrington," she managed to choke out.

"No, no," Sebastian insisted, shaking his head. "Please, call me Sebastian." He took another step closer, his gaze never leaving hers. "You deserve to hear the truth. You are a remarkable woman, Louise. You are intelligent, kind, and beautiful." His voice was soft, almost hypnotic.

The sun began to shine through the clouds, casting a warm, golden light over the garden. Sebastian's eyes seemed to glow as he continued to stare at her, the romantic tension between them thick enough to cut with a knife. He reached out a hand, touching her cheek gently, tracing the line of her jaw with his thumb. Her breath hitched in her throat, and she felt her heart race wildly. "You are so lovely," he whispered, his voice barely audible. "You deserve to be loved, cherished...and protected."

Louise's eyes widened, her heart skipping a beat. She could not believe what he was saying, what he was doing. "Sebastian..." she breathed, her voice trembling.

Just as she was going to continue, the manor's bell rang a loud and clear, echoing through the gardens. The moment was shattered, and both of them looked away from each other, a heat rising to their cheeks.

"Please...excuse me," Louise stammered, feeling heat rise to her cheeks. She turned away from him and walked back into the manor, her heart racing as she tried to calm her breathing. She could not believe what had just happened between them.

Sebastian stood there as he watched Louise retreat into the manor. Sebastian had vowed he would never again open his wounded heart romantically to another woman. Now the long-frozen organ seemed to be thawing out, beating faster than ever before. 

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