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Branch took a deep breath, before he stepped into the lift.

He had been helping Poppy clean up for nearly 3 hours now. He stepped out of the elevator, seeing his brothers all whispering to each other on the couches.

"Uh. . . what's going on?" Branch spoke up, causing them too to shoot up and lean back as if nothing had ever happend.

"Oh, hey Branch. What took you so long? I thought you were only helping Poppy clean up?" Floyd asked nervously, while Branch only looked around.

"Uh, I was. Just took longer then I expected, and I walked her back to her Pod and King Peppy had caught me on the way out, so I was talking to him for a bit." Branch explained, "Anyway, I'm tired."

Branch headed to his door, but stopped before entering when seeing the door opened a little bit, glancing back to his brothers who seemed nervous, he walked in and flopped down onto his bed.


John Dory sighed in relief.

"I can't believe that he thinks we'll walk out on him again. . ." Floyd sighed.

"Don't worry Floyd, we can change his mind." Clay said softly, placing a hand onto his brothers shoulder.

"Hey, it is getting late. Let's go to bed. Night bros." John Dory said, heading to his room, everybody said night to each other and walked to their own rooms.

Branch yawned, as he woke up the next morning. He woke up later then usual, Opening his eyes, the first thing he saw was the picture of him and Poppy on his night stand, smiling slightly he got up and got dressed in his usual grey trousers, and green vest.

He heard some talking outside, and walked out of his room only to spot his brothers sat around the place.

"Morning Branch." Floyd was the first to spot him. Branch only nodded in his direction.

"Where are you going?" Clay asked.

"Just upto the Village." Branch mumbled, already on the lift, before he got bombarded by all of his brothers also in the lift.

"We wanna come." JD said, with a grin. They stepped out of the lift, and Branch walked ahead when they came into Trolls Village.

"Hey, uhm. . . John Dory?" They turned, seeing a women stood there, "Could I maybe get an autograph?"

John Dory smirked, and grabbed the pen and sighed the Trolls book in her hands, winking at her as they all walked of.

By the time, they had found Poppy with Viva, all of the brother minus Branch had asked to get and untograph of.

"How come nobodys asking you for one, Bitty B?" Spruce asked, and Branch just shrugged.

"I just. . . don't like giving them out I guess." Branch mumbled, "And, most Trolls are scared of me."

"Scared of you? What do they have to be scared about?" John Dory exclaimed, while Branch had wacked his hand away from his face.

"Hey Branch." Poppy grinned, getting up from her seat to bring him in for a tight hug and a kiss, "Right, I've got some work to get done, you know, Queen duties."

"What kind of duties?" Floyd had asked.

"Just some, like checking the Pods out, makeing sure everything stable. So, you ready Branch?"

"Wait, Branch helps you?" Clay asked.

"Yeah, he always insisted on makeing sure the trees where the Pods are stable, something about makeing sure I don't get hurt?" Poppy explained, leaving a red and embaressed Branch and his brothers to smirk, "You're more than welcome to join."

"Sure."  They all agreed and started following the two love birds.

"Right, first Pod." Poppy grinned, looking at Branch who nodded and he knew he couldn't use his hair, just incase it isn't stable, so he walked over to the tree and started climbing up.

"Woah, he's a good climber." Floyd commented, and by the time they looke dback at him Branch was already up the tree, just above the Pod.

Branch threw his hair at a tree where Poppy was, and threw himself off of the tree he was sat in. Branch landed right next to his girlfriend.

"Steady." Branch said, and Poppy nodded and ticked the pod.


After an hour, of checking everybodys pods are safe, which they are thanks to Branch they all decided to take a little brake and get some ice-cream.

Once they all had ice-cream, apart from Branch they all sat down on a log by some trees, talking and having a laugh.

"You sure you don't want one, Branch?" Floyd asked, taking a lick of his own ice-cream.

"I'm good." Branch gave a weak, but forced smile.

~~Branch's P.O.V~~

(I haven't done one of these P.O.Vs for a while, so forgive me if it isn't the best.)

I sighed, as I looked at my brothers and girlfriend. They all were laughing while enjoying some ice-cream, something I so wish I could do but I just don't have that kind of happiness in me, ya know?

"Hey Branch, are you okay?" Poppy was sat beside me, placing her hand in mine.

"Yeah." I sighed, but I wasn't. Honestly though? I never was. But, it was better lying then telling the truth and worrying them all. I mean, I just got my brothers back! How amazing is that? But, what if they walked out on me again. . ?

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