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After more than 2 hours, everybody had been sitting down around the room, talking. Poppy mostly was telling all of the stories what her and Branch did, especially her favourites which was everyone.

"Love it, Poppy!" Viva said, sitting next to Clay.

"Yeah. You two have been on some advantures. Now, onto the real question. How'd you two meet?" Bruce said.

"Uh. . ." Branch muttered, stuttering abit before looking over to Poppy who only rolled her eyes with a gently smile.

"Well, Branch was always the grump in the village but my Dad introduced me to him! Well, kinda? I mean, I introduced myself to him but I think you get it." Poppy explained, rambling slightly.

"The grump in the village? But, Bitty B you were always so happy and kind." Floyd said, everybody now looking at Branch who looked incedibly nervous. He was flidding with his hands.

"Uh, well-I-no-but-!" Branch couldn't form a sentence, looking down he then stood up, "S-Sorry, go-got to be-go!"

Branch already hurried towards his bedroom.

"Okay, that was weird." Clay said.

"I agree. Poppy, what's going on with him lately?" Floyd asked, but saw Poppy hesitate, "Please. He's our little brother and we will do anything we can to make sure he's his self."

"I agree. Branch deserves all the happiness in the world, after all he's done for me, he's saved my life countless of times. But, it is not my place." Poppy sighed, "I'm gonna go talk to him."

Poppy stood up and walked over to the bedroom, shed knocked on the door twice, before walking in, she closed the door but not all the way.

"Branch?" Poppy heard Branch's sniffle, as she walked further into the room,a nd her heart broke at seeing Branch sobbing into his knees with them pulled upto his chest in the corner of his room by his bed, wiping his nose and tears with his arm.

"Oh, Branch." Poppy said softly, before walking over to her boyfriend and kneeling infront of him, pulling him into a tight hug where Branch sobbed into her shoulder, "I'm sorry, Branch. . . I didn't mean to say you were the grump. I know you hated the way you acted."

"No. . . it's okay. It's just." Branch took a deep breath, "I don't want my brothers to find out. . . about how I was before. They would just be disapointed."

"Disapointed? No, no, no Branch. If anything they would be proud of you're achivments and how you've built you're way up to the person you was to the person you are today. So, I think it's about time you come out with it."

"Yeah. . ." Branch sniffled, "Maybe you're right. . . but, how do I come out with something like that?"

"Don't. It will come out when it is time, when they ask questions, answer truthfully and if you need me to take over just say the word and I will say." Poppy said softly, before ending with a smile, "Want a drink?"

Branch shrugged.

"I'll go get some water." Poppy said softly, giving Branch's hand one last squeeze before she left the room.

"Where is he?"

"What's wrong with him?"

"Is he okay?"

Poppy got bombarded with questions.

"Come on guys, give her space to breath. Is he okay, Poppy?" Floyd asked, and Poppy shrugged.

"He will be. But, please don't pesture him he said the truth will come out in it's own time and this subject is very sensitive for him. I'm just getting him some water." Poppy answered, leaving the room and comeing back moments later with a glass.

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