Chapter 14

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Colby and Owen snuck back to the town as soon as darkness fell. The other defectors were meeting in an old church.
"Ashley's at Eli's house now. They are moving the weapons to their church. The kids were kept at the school building today; the followers in charge said that it was because of the risk of an attack by raiders or zombies. Something is going down. I can tell" Jack said. Owen stood in the center of the group. He began addressing everyone.

"Eli will probably go after us, so everyone needs to prepare. You can take weapons with you. I don't want any of you going without a weapon. Don't hesitate to use them if things go south," Owen said. There were nods from the others.
"Lee, you were the pastor of this church before Eli took over. You welcomed everyone."
"I told Eli that for being a man of God, he had a poor way of showing God's love. He quoted Scripture, but wouldn't hear sense." Lee sighed. "The next day, he told me to close my church or I'd be banished. I was afraid of what would happen to my family if I was forced to leave, so I obeyed."

"Colby, this isn't your fight. You have every reason to get out of here after you rescue Ashley and Jenny." Owen said.

"No. I'm fighting with you. My dad was a soldier; he taught me to protect others. I'll be damned if I'm going to run away."
"Alright, we've got to get a battle plan together now. A small group of us will go to the school. They'll subdue the guards and protect the kids. We have to keep the followers contained! Remember, we have them outnumbered; use it to our advantage."

The meeting broke up after that. Colby had to stay hidden, and Owen sat with him.
"How old were you when the outbreak hit?" He asked curiously.
"I bet you learned to protect yourself pretty quick then."
Colby looked at the floor.
"My dad was a soldier. We were living in a military base. It was me, my mom, dad, older brother, and little sister. When the outbreak hit, it was a scorched earth attempt; the base would be destroyed. Then, they rounded up as many people as they could. Dad and I managed to get away; my brother said he'd try to protect my mom and sister...that was the last time we saw them. Dad and I ended up with a group of survivors. We moved around until Dad was killed. I met Ashley and we decided to travel."

Owen listened intently to Colby. He knew what others had lived through.
Ashley had been locked in the room for hours. She was searching for a way to escape. The room was bare, just the bed. She wasn't able to believe that Colby was dead! She had to get out of here!
Someone knocked on the door, and Ashley backed up against the wall.
"Stay the fuck away from me!" She screamed.
"I just have some food," a soft voice answered. A girl a few years younger than her came in.
She had dark brown hair cut short. In her arms was a tray of food. She looked nervous and afraid.
"Please," the girl whispered, setting the tray onto the floor, "They're keeping me here too!"
"What do you mean?"
"I'm one of the plural wives! I can help you get out!"
"Really?!" Ashley jumped off the bed and ran to her. She grabbed the girl's hands and squeezed them tight.
"Yes! The house isn't going to be guarded when Eli and his followers meet tomorrow night! I can sneak you something to open the window with!" the younger girl said.

"What building are the orphan kids in? I need to know!" Ashley demanded.

"The old high school! I don't know how many kids are in there. You're on your own from there!" the girl said.

"Thank you!" Ashley gasped, releasing the young girl's hands.
"Wait! What's your name?"
"Ashley, but everyone calls me Ash!"
"Well, Ash, call me Mariah," she said. Mariah took Ashley's dishes and hurried out the door, leaving Ashley her first tool of escape; a butter knife.
Ashley started working on the window; she was going to get out....somehow.

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