Chapter 50

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Shane's eyes flew open wide as he felt a warmth running over his face. The blood wasn't his.

Colby was standing off to the side, his gun still smoking. In the split second, the guards were distracted another guard fell. Another bullet hit, killing the soldier behind him.
"Stay down!" Ryan yelled, aiming his gun at the soldiers surrounding him. No one thought to check a kid for weapons.
The other guards were dead quickly.

Colby untied Shane, helping him sit up and leaning him against the wall, allowing him a breather before helping him walk. His left leg shook, almost unable to hold his weight.
Shane stared blankly ahead, his gaze unfocused. Ryan untied Zach.
"Come on Shane. We have to hurry! They're going to come looking soon!" Ryan said, holding out his hand.
Shane just nodded slowly. He felt drained, and tired. As much as he wanted to run to his family, his legs weren't strong enough. They were shaking and weak from having been tortured.
"Let's move out!" Colby ordered, letting Zach lean against him. They hobbled forward slowly while Shane took the lead, using Ryan's shoulder as support.

Ryan helped Shane walk, even though Shane was much bigger than him. Ryan suddenly let out a sob, running to a furry shape in the dark.
"Stanley!" he cried, kneeling beside the dog's limp form.
"Stanley? Come on buddy...come on! Please wake up! I'm not leaving you alone, I promise you! I'm taking care of you! Please wake up!" he begged desperately, tears falling down his face.
"Those bastards! Stanley attacked one of the raiders when they came back; they shot him and laughed while they were doing it!" Shane explained, rushing to his side.
Ryan cried uncontrollably, burying his face in Stan's fur, hugging the dog tightly.
"Why would they do something like that!?" Ryan cried, shocked at the cruelty of the raiders.
"Because they're sickoes! If they could kill a dog with no problem, how easy would it be to kill a person?" Colby stated, sitting on the ground near him.
Shane sat back next to Ryan, wrapping his arms around the boy.
"We have to keep going." Colby insisted, looking up at him with desperate eyes. Shane nodded silently, not being able to speak.
He glanced over at Zach, who also had tears in his eyes.
"I'm sorry, Ryan...Stanley died protecting us.....we can't leave him here." Zach spoke, tears starting to fall down his cheeks too.
"It's not your fault.....I'm just glad he was mine!" Ryan cried out.
Ryan looked up, wiped his eyes on his sleeve, and stood shakily. Colby picked up the dog's body and moved him to a pile of rubble, covering him with stones. Then they walked forward.

They trudged forward, stopping now and then to look for shelter, trying their hardest not to stumble. It was only Colby and Ryan who kept going, not stopping until they were a few blocks away from the compound.

"We gotta rescue the others!" Ryan stated as he sat down on the floor, leaning his back against a wall.
Shane looked up towards Colby.
"We'll rest up for right now. Tomorrow we'll find the way in ourselves!" he promised.
"I doubt that, but we have to try! We can't leave everyone out here to die!" Colby replied.
They rested, seeing the sunrise.
"Do you think ....they made it? Are they ok? What happened to them?" Ryan asked worriedly.
"I'm sure we're not alone. They'll show themselves eventually. Just need some time. Right now we have to take care of each other, ok? We're going to be together." Colby reassured, resting his hand gently on Ryan's shoulder.
"Zach, how bad are you?" Colby asked anxiously. Zach groaned loudly.
"It doesn't matter! We're gonna make it! We're going to live! We won't let Neegan take anything else!" Zach swore, gritting his teeth against the pain that shot through his ribs every single time he inhaled deeply.
Colby sighed deeply.
"Alright. Shane, you're in better shape. Do you think you can fight?" he asked Shane worriedly, glancing towards Shane's battered face.
He was surprised when he heard an answer.
"Yeah...yeah. I'll try to fight."
It was decided, they would head out tomorrow to find the survivors. Ryan curled up next to
Shane, cuddling against him. Shane pulled him close.
"Dad....? I'm so scared...."
"Me too, son. Me too. But we will survive this...just hang on a little bit longer."
Ashley held her baby tight as the prisoners were marched into the compound. Kelly was crying, convinced that Zach was dead along with Shane.

She tried to hide it, keeping her composure in hopes that she could save them.
'If they can escape tonight, maybe they can still reach safety! Maybe we'll see each other again.' Ashley repeated these thoughts to herself as they headed into the building.
Once inside, the prisoners were lined up.

Neegan stood with the attitude of a tyrant, addressing the captives. Some were beaten up pretty badly.
Ashley swallowed hard. 'God help whoever is living here!' she pleaded internally.
"Welcome back to hell, people!" Neegan greeted, smiling cruelly.
"If you're strong and healthy, we'll let you live. If not, you're dead!" he declared proudly.
There was chatter from the survivors, but no one dared fight back.
"Any man will be put to work! Women with children will be treated the same as the others, and will be killed if anyone dares to disobey my commands! You know what to do!" he yelled.
A couple of people started screaming and yelling. Others simply cried or whimpered, knowing they were lost and alone.
As the women and kids screamed, the men continued to struggle.

"You'll be allowed to keep your possessions but not your weapons. Now line up and hand them over to me." Neegan commanded harshly. Most people hesitated but did as he instructed.
Neegan began looking over the women without kids. With a simple nod of his head, they'd be placed in a separate group.
Ashley's gut twisted at the realization; that they'd be his slaves! She looked at Kelly; she was Zach and Colby's younger sister; only seventeen! She had to think of a way to keep all three of them safe. Her mind raced, her heart aching as she stroked Jenny's hair.
"Kelly! Swap packs with me and take Jenny! Say she's your baby! " she whispered in Kelly's ear.
Kelly blinked in surprise, nodding numbly and picking Jenny up. They exchanged backpacks, shaking with fear.
"What if they ask who her father is?" Kelly asked, still in shock.
"Tell them he's dead....or you adopted her! Please! Keep my baby safe!" she pleaded desperately.
She could almost swear there was a flash of sadness in Kelly's eyes before she forced a smile.
"I will. Thank you!" she whispered gratefully.
"Don't thank me yet! The sooner you get out the better, alright? Don't worry. Everything will be will all work out......"
"You! Blondie! Line up with the other women!" One of the guards barked at her. She obeyed, praying to whatever god was listening for the day to end quickly. Now she understood what Jenny's mother felt as she placed her in Ashley's arms before she died.

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