Bonus drabble: The Conversation

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With the new agents roaming around, Daisy's barely gotten a moment's rest, what with them getting lost or injured or needing help with something. It was exhausting.

"Sousa- oh, hi, Sousa,." Daisy patted his chest with a smirk. They were in her room after a less busy day, and she felt like talking. "We need to talk." She felt him stiffen beside her and sat up. "What are we?" Daisy asked him. "We've barely separated in the past three weeks since we've known each other. We kiss. We sleep next to each other. We go on dates-"

"I'd say we're in a committed relationship," Sousa replied, propping a book open on his knee. "Don't you?"

"I don't know," Daisy muttered. "I never dated anyone before."

That got his attention. "I'm your first serious relationship?" Sousa asked incredulously.

"My first relationship, period," Daisy grumbled. "Unless you count a will-they-won't-they thing with a guy six and a half years ago that ended with him not talking to me ever."

Sousa took her hand and kissed her wrist lightly. "You're incredibly weird."

"Thanks, so are you." Daisy laughed as his kisses tickled her wrist. "So you're my boyfriend now?"

"Seems to be," Sousa said with a boyish grin. "Got a problem with that?"

"Not a single one," Daisy replied, leaning down to kiss him as she straddled his waist. She let herself fall onto his chest and rested there for several moments, eventually taking a nap on him.

When she woke up, Daisy was pleasantly surprised to see that she was resting on his thigh as he read a book.

"Morning, sunshine," Sousa greeted her with a soft smile. "Would you like some coffee? Simmons brought that coffee maker you wanted."

Daisy grinned. "It's yes. Always yes to coffee."

"Noted." Sousa smiled wider, handing her the mug.

"Anyways," Daisy said, sipping her drink. "Is it comfortable when I sleep on you?"

"You're like a blanket," Sousa replied. "A very good one."

"Aww." Daisy smiled, draining her coffee. She went back to sleep.

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