Chapter Twenty: Love The Way You Hate Me

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Love The Way You Hate Me by Like A Storm


"You dumbaft."

"What? How was I suppose to know we can't just walk into her room? Everyone knows you lock the door if you don't want anyone coming in!" Sideswipe held his holoform's hands up defensively, hooking the door handle with his elbow and pushing it open with his back. "A little warning would've been nice."

Sunstreaker brushed by his brother to get outside, irritated that they couldn't just get up and talk in their real forms. The need for secrecy was chafing against his natural instincts. "You're just lucky she wasn't alone, or Ironhide would have sent us gift-wrapped to Ratchet in little metal boxes."

Sideswipe snickered at the thought. "It'd almost be worth seeing the old mech try."

"If you want, I'll start with you, Sideswipe." Ironhide's holoform boomed from behind the two bots.

Sideswipe let out a strangled exclamation of surprise. "Damn it, 'Hide, wear a bell, or something that rattles! I can't have you sneaking up on me like that. I might, uh, attack you-- or something. Because of my quick reflexes."

"Uh huh," Ironhide responded, looking less than impressed. His optics flickered between Sunstreaker and his brother assessingly, lingering in amusement on Sideswipe's position just behind Sunny's arm, where he'd hidden after the older mech had startled him. Quick reflexes, indeed. "You certainly have an instinct for survival-- I'll give you that, kid."

Sideswipe looked at his brother in bewilderment, immediately shoving away from him as he realized what he was doing. "Oops."

Sunstreaker curled his lip in disgust and punched his twin's arm. "You're such a sparkling."

"What? I thought he was gonna stuff me in a box!"

"I'll stuff you in a box if you ever use me as a shield again."

"Well at least if I'm in a box I won't need you as a shield, will I?"

"I... what?"

Sideswipe shrugged. "I don't know. I'm just talking, now."

Ironhide grunted unhappily. "I see why you two never get these kinds of assignments. Is this human going to make it with you idiots as her guardians, or do I need to tell Prime to pull you and bring in someone else?"

Twin voices responded at the same time.

"No, why would you think that?"

"Forget it, old mech. Not happening."

Ironhide snorted. "We'll see. You dumbafts better start keeping a closer optic on her, or she'll die before Optimus can question her."

Sunstreaker's side of the bond flared suddenly in sharp, unexpected irritation. He stopped glaring at the sky to bring his unwavering gaze down on their commanding officer. "What do you mean, 'question?'"

Sideswipe frowned, leaning back against the wall of the house with his arms folded over his chest. "That doesn't sound like we're just protecting her from the 'cons for the hell of it. Are we interested in her, too?"

Sunstreaker's voice took on a hard edge. "Are we protecting her, or guarding an asset?"

Ironhide crossed his arms and eyed both boys with a reprimanding glare that did nothing for either. "You're protecting one of our human allies. That's all you need to know."

Sideswipe and Sunstreaker exchanged looks.

"She's got something you want, doesn't she? That's why she's glitching out. Is it the Cybertronian? Or an actual object?" Sideswipe paused, his holoform's brows lowering dangerously. "Are we just keeping her alive to be used?"

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