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WHITE FERRARI - chapter one
P E N 1 5 - first day

WHITE FERRARI - chapter oneP E N 1 5 - first day

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third person pov

AUTUMN was sat on the floor of her bedroom whilst on the phone with her two friends maya and anna.
"who's in our homeroom do you think?" maya asks
"sam maybe?" autumn adds, supporting the phone with her shoulder as she looks through her draws for her new harry potter book

"hes like so inlove with maya" anna says, as maya gags
"ew neverr" maya interrupts, making autumn laugh.
"na, do i look the same as last year?" maya asks, causing autumn to frown. 'why didnt she ask me aswell?' she thinks, but dismisses it as that they only say eachother twice through the summer

"noo, you look so diff!" anna says "oh yeah autumn is my mom picking you up?" she adds
"uhm no my mom is dropping me because she wants to get a milkshake for me before i go" autumn explains, grabbing the book and placing it on her bed

"anyways autumn can you leave? i need to tell na-" maya begins
"no problems, bye guys!" autumn interrupts, trying to make it sound like she wasnt upset. she got 'bye's for the girls before ending the phone line, grabbing her new book and opening it, putting her stickers in it

"ann' lets get to bed now!" anneleise says, entering her daughters room. "okay mom" autumn smiles, hugging her mom. "you sure you're not worried about tomorrow?" the older girl says, walking towards her daughters door

"nope!" autumn lies, she was petrified. "you can come to me you know, i was a teen once" aneleise says, making her daughter nod as she exited her room. "i wonder if i can just get homeschooled" autumn mutters to herself, switching off her lamp and turning to sleep.

 "i wonder if i can just get homeschooled" autumn mutters to herself, switching off her lamp and turning to sleep

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autumns pov

I sat in the passenger seat of my moms car, drinking a cookies and cream milkshake. "so hows dustin?" mom asks, making my nose scrunch. "i havent spoke to him since the sixth grade" i say, making moms face form an 'o'.

"he was a nice boy, always looking out for you" she says, making a smile form onto my face. "yeah, but people grow apart its life" i shrug. "i guess" mom says, putting the car in drive again.

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