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AUTUMN sat next to heather as they spoke

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AUTUMN sat next to heather as they spoke. Heather had apoligised for her previous behaviour and the two actually ended up getting along. "okay class! this week you're gonna be doing mandatory community service" the teacher says

"more like community suckvice!" brandt adds, making the whole class laugh except from heather and autumn. "embarrassing" hearher mutters. "autumn one of the options is a fashion show my mom is hosting with the care home, you have to come with us!" the blonde adds, making autumn nod

"okayy" autumn replies, looking to the front again. "and heathers mom is doing a fashion show with the elderly home! go pick your options!" sir says, just as the bell rings. "dont worry you dont have to run i already put our names down. i knew you would say yes" heather whispers to the girl, making the brunette laugh

the two girls walk out the class, having heather being dragged away by becca, making autumn roll her eyes before continuing to walk down the halls. "autumn!" she hears behind her turning to see dustin. "hey" she smiles softly, letting him catch up with her

"where did you guys go last week, my mom was searching left to right for your mom" he asks, noticing the girls now slow pace. "uhm after it finished i rushed out because.. i don't know" autumn mumbles

she rushed out because she was nervous to see dustin after what had happened outside. she could tell he knew she was lying just by the minor frown. "i know you're lying ma" he says softly. "no im not" she shakes her head.

"aight well, you listened to me, your hair looks gorgeous" he says, smirking at the girl. "wipe the smirk off your face dustin long" she laughs. "why don't you do it for me" he whispers, making the brunettes eyes widen.

"OH MY GOD DUS- ew are you two about to have sex?" brandt says the last bit quietly as he approaches the two
"bro shut the fuck up!"
"what the- i need to go."


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2023 ⏰

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