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WHITE FERRARI - chapter 003
pen15 - ojichan

AUTUMN sat on her bed with her mom laying beside her

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AUTUMN sat on her bed with her mom laying beside her. "so how do you feel about this dustin boy" aneleise asks her daughter. "dunno" she shrugs.

the two are interrupted by the phone ringing. "its your phone, you pick it up" autumn says, pushing her mother forward. aneleise groans, picking up the phone

"butera household! you've reached aneleise, the older one." the blonde says, her smile immediately growing once the person in the reciever speaks. "hi dustin, yeah ill pass you to autumn shes roght beside me anyways"

autumn immediately grows red, her mom silently laughing as she passes the phone to her, walking out the room. "heyy" autumn says, trying to disguise her nervousness.

Dustin pov :

"heyy" autumn says into the phone, making me smile.
"hey ann', miranda gave me yo number, dont get freaked out" i say, leaning back on my bed. "i'm not" she says in her soft voice. that drives me crazy

"whatcha doing?" i say, trying to hide the fact im so nervous. "i was talking to my mom but now im speaking to you!" she says. "was i interrupting something? sorry-"
"dustin speak to my daughter instead please, shes annoying me" an older voice who i gather is her mom says, making me laugh

"Momm get off the phone pleasee" autumn says, as i sit there grinning like an idiot. "urgh fine, bye dustin" her mom says. "bye miss butera" i reply. "dustin ignore her im so sorry" she says.

"your good ma" i say, smirking.


we went on to speak on the phone for hours, about people in our school and even had a 'remember when' conversation.

i don't understand why i feel this way about her, i never feel this way about any girl except from her, even since 3rd grade



autumn sat on the field, alone as usual whilst reading her diary of a wimpy kid book.
"my mom said your mom is a whore, so it must be true" dereck, the fastest boy in the grade said, sparking a flame in the eight year old dustin long

"leave her alone!" he yells, approaching the scene. "what are you gonna do long? shes probably a whore like her mom!" dereck says, making dustin even more angry. "go eat dirt you piece of shit" the boy says, pushing derecks head to the ground and kicking his leg softly, making the bully cry and run away

"thank you" the brunette girl smiles at the boy as he sits next to her. "you're good, i'm dustin"
"aneleise, but nobody calls me that" she spreads the interesting fact "why? its a pretty name"

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